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unique_ptr heap and stack allocation

Raw pointers can point to objects allocated on the stack or on the heap.

Heap allocation example:

// heap allocation
int* rawPtr = new int(100);
std::cout << *rawPtr << std::endl;      // 100

Stack allocation example:

int i = 100;
int* rawPtr = &i;
std::cout << *rawPtr << std::endl;      // 100

Heap allocation using auto_ptr example:

int* rawPtr = new int(100);
std::unique_ptr<int> uPtr(rawPtr);
std::cout << *uPtr << std::endl;        // 100

Stack allocation using auto_ptr example:

int i = 100;
int* rawPtr = &i;
std::unique_ptr<int> uPtr(rawPtr);      // runtime error

Are 'smart pointers' intended to be used to point to dynamically created objects on the heap? For C++11, are we supposed to continue using raw pointers for pointing to stack allocated objects? Thank you.


  • Smart pointers are usually used to point to objects allocated with new and deleted with delete. They don't have to be used this way, but that would seem to be the intent, if we want to guess the intended use of the language constructs.

    The reason your code crashes in the last example is because of the "deleted with delete" part. When it goes out of scope, the unique_ptr will try to delete the object it has a pointer to. Since it was allocated on the stack, this fails. Just as if you had written, delete rawPtr;

    Since one usually uses smart pointers with heap objects, there is a function to allocate on the heap and convert to a smart pointer all in one go. std::unique_ptr<int> uPtr = make_unique<int>(100); will perform the actions of the first two lines of your third example. There is also a matching make_shared for shared pointers.

    It is possible to use smart pointers with stack objects. What you do is specify the deleter used by the smart pointer, providing one that does not call delete. Since it's a stack variable and nothing need be done to delete it, the deleter could do nothing. Which makes one ask, what's the point of the smart pointer then, if all it does is call a function that does nothing? Which is why you don't commonly see smart pointers used with stack objects. But here's an example that shows some usefulness.

        char buf[32];
        auto erase_buf = [](char *p) { memset(p, 0, sizeof(buf)); };
        std::unique_ptr<char, decltype(erase_buf)> passwd(buf, erase_buf);
    // The deleter will get called since passwd has gone out of scope.
    // This will erase the memory in buf so that the password doesn't live
    // on the stack any longer than it needs to.  This also works for
    // exceptions!  Placing memset() at the end wouldn't catch that.