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Error with bootmer and confint for glmer

I'm running into an error that I can't find any documentation on when I try to bootstrap a glmer object:

glm2 <- glmer(RT~valence+location+first_location+Trial_num + 
                      control = glmerControl(optimizer = "nloptwrap",
                                      calc.derivs = FALSE), data=df_long)

The error is:

Error in lme4::.simulateFun(object = , : could not find function "sfun

This is regardless of whether I try bootMer or confint:

bootMer_out <- bootMer(glm2,FUN=fixef, nsim=300)

confint_out <- confint(glm2, method="boot")

When I run as an lmer object I don't have the issue with bootstrapping. i.e.

lm2 <- glmer(RT~valence+location+first_location+Trial_num + (1+Trial_num|id)+(1|Trial_num), family=inverse.gaussian(log), control = glmerControl(optimizer = "nloptwrap", calc.derivs = FALSE), data=df_long))  

Does it have to do with the link function? Is there a workaround? I couldn't find function 'sfun' in the simulateFun documentation either. I could always just do the transformation on the data separately and use lmer instead of glmer, but if anyone has some insight that would be great (since I'm curious now).


  • As pointed out by @user20650, you'll need to add a simulation method for the inverse gaussian family.

    For example, I added these to a branch on my lme4 fork under predict.R:

    rinvgauss <- function(n, mu, lambda) {
        # transcribed from
        nu <- rnorm(n)
        y <- nu^2
        x <- mu + (mu^2 * y)/(2*lambda) - (mu/(2*lambda)) * sqrt(4*mu*lambda*y + mu^2*y^2)
        z <- runif(n)
        ifelse(z <= mu/(mu + x), x, mu^2/x)
    inverse.gaussian_simfun <- function(object, nsim, ftd = fitted(object),
                                        wts = weights(object)) {
        if (any(wts != 1)) message("using weights as inverse variances")
        dispersion <- sum((weights(object, 'working') * 
            resid(object, 'working')^2)[weights(object, 'working')>0])/df.residual(object)
        rinvgauss(nsim * length(ftd), mu = ftd, 
                         lambda = wts/dispersion)
    # ... skip a few
    simfunList <- list(gaussian = gaussian_simfun,
           binomial = binomial_simfun,
           poisson  = poisson_simfun,
           Gamma    = Gamma_simfun,
           negative.binomial = negative.binomial_simfun,
           inverse.gaussian = inverse.gaussian_simfun)

    Here's an example:

    # devtools::install_github('aforren1/lme4', ref = 'add_invgauss_simulate')
    dat <- data.frame(y = lme4:::rinvgauss(1000, 3, 4),
                      x = runif(1000), 
                      subj = factor(rep(1:10, 100)))
    mod <- glmer(y ~ x + (1|subj), 
                 data = dat, 
                 family = inverse.gaussian(link='log'))
    # ~60 secs on my laptop
    (boots <- confint(mod, method = 'boot', nsim = 100, parm = 'beta_')) 
                     2.5 %   97.5 %
    (Intercept)  1.0044813 1.248774
    x           -0.2158155 0.161213
    (walds <- confint(mod, method = 'Wald', parm = 'beta_'))
                    2.5 %    97.5 %
    (Intercept)  1.000688 1.2289971
    x           -0.205546 0.1644621

    You can see that the bootstrap method gives (roughly) the same results as the Wald method.