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Merging 2 datasets with multiple variables (Cannot use just similar variables)

I am trying to merge 2 datasets (150,000 and 50,000 records) which have around 50 variables each, some of which might match. One common variable in both the datasets is the 'Incident date' but I cannot use that, as the datasets have like 300 incidents that took place on that particular date (broken down by address, city, county, zip, time emergency medical services (EMS) was notified). The other data set has the exact time the incident took place, address, city, county, zip and some other fields but these fields maybe blank if the information is not known/recorded.

I would like to create a buffer to join the datasets by each field. For example, first starting with the date of the incident(no missing values), if they are the same, next step would be to check if they took place in the same county, city and so on. (some values might be blank). Final field for comparison would be when EMS was notified (upto 30 - 60 minutes after the incident). If all fields match, then it comes down to this final buffer of 30 - 60 minutes. It would be a many to one merge(50,000 to 150,000).

What program would let me do this? Is there a certain code?

I have added a snippet of both the datasets ( and (


Expected output looks something like this

expected output

Code used was:

T1 = readtable('dataset1.csv')
T2 = readtable('dataset2.csv')
LT1 = size(T1,1);
LT2 = size(T2,1);
T1 = [T1, cell2table(repmat({''}, LT1, 7),'VariableNames', {'County_Name', 'City_Name', 'Town_Name','CrashTime', 'SecondaryLocation', 'RouteName', 'PostalCityName'})]
augmented = false(LT1,1);
dtstr = 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm';
trange = duration([0,0,0;1,0,0]);
for tt2 = 1:LT2
cdate2 = T2.CrashDate{tt2};
crasht2 = T2.CrashDateTime{tt2};
assert(~isempty(cdate2) & ~isempty(crasht2),'Major data missing')
crashdt2 = [cdate2, ' ', crasht2];
crashdt2 = datetime(crashdt2,'InputFormat',dtstr);
strtaddr2 = T2.RouteName{tt2};
if ~isempty(strtaddr2)
strtaddr2 = upper(strtaddr2);
strtaddr2 = strrep(strtaddr2,'ROAD','RD');
strtaddr2 = strtaddr2(isletter(strtaddr2));
pcityn2 = T2.PostalCityName{tt2};
if ~isempty(pcityn2)
pcityn2 = upper(pcityn2);
pcityn2 = pcityn2(isletter(pcityn2));
countyn2 = T2.County_Name{tt2};
if ~isempty(countyn2)
countyn2 = countyn2(isletter(countyn2));
countyn2 = upper(countyn2);
countyn2 = strrep(countyn2,'COUNTY','');
for tt1 = 1:LT1
if augmented(tt1)
matchvec = true(5,1);
cdate1 = T1.IncidentDate{tt1};
matchvec(1) = strcmp(cdate1, cdate2);
strtaddr1 = upper(T1.AddressStreet{tt1});
if ~isempty(strtaddr2) && ~isempty(strtaddr1)
strtaddr1 = strrep(strtaddr1,'ROAD','RD');
strtaddr1 = strtaddr1(isletter(strtaddr1));
matchvec(2) = strcmp(strtaddr1,strtaddr2);
pcityn1 = upper(T1.AddressCityIncident{tt1});
pcityn1 = pcityn1(isletter(pcityn1));
if ~isempty(pcityn2) && ~isempty(pcityn1)
pcityn1 = pcityn1(isletter(pcityn1));
matchvec(3) = strcmp(pcityn1,pcityn2);
countyn1 = upper(T1.AddressCountyIncident{tt1});
countyn1 = countyn1(isletter(countyn1));
if ~isempty(countyn2) && ~isempty(countyn1)
countyn1 = countyn1(isletter(countyn1));
matchvec(4) = strcmp(countyn1,countyn2);
crashdt1u = T1.UnitNotified{tt1};
crashdt1d = T1.Date12_DispatchNotified{tt1};
if ~isempty(crashdt1u) || ~isempty(crashdt1d)
tmatch = true(2,1);
if ~isempty(crashdt1u)
crashdt1u = datetime(crashdt1u,'InputFormat',dtstr);
difcrdt1d = crashdt1d-crashdt2;
tmatch = difcrdt1d >= trange(1) && difcrdt1d <= trange(2);
matchvec(5) = all(tmatch);
if all(matchvec)
T1{tt1,{'County_Name', 'City_Name', 'Town_Name','CrashTime', 'SecondaryLocation', 'RouteName','PostalCityName'}} = table2cell( T2(tt2,{'County_Name', 'City_Name','Town_Name', 'CrashTime', 'SecondaryLocation','RouteName', 'PostalCityName'}) );


  • Edit: Optimized code for performance; anticipating large amount of data.

    Note to OP: Your raw data has many bugs. Commas should not be allowed anywhere in the actual data in the csv file. Some string (found 1 unit notified time) does not have predefined format. The try block deals with one particular case; if all fields are subject to defective data then try should be implemented in all fields. All these should be addressed prior to merging.

    clear;clc;close all
    T1 = readtable('dataset1.csv');
    T2 = readtable('dataset2.csv');
    T1 = T1(1:1000,:);
    T2 = T2(1:900,:);
    LT1 = size(T1,1);
    LT2 = size(T2,1);
    % expand T1 for expansion
    T1 = [T1, cell2table(repmat({''}, LT1, 7), ....
        'VariableNames', {'County_Name', 'City_Name', 'Town_Name', ....
        'CrashTime', 'SecondaryLocation', 'RouteName', 'PostalCityName'})];
    augmented = false(LT1,1); % see usage below
    dtstr = 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm';
    trange = duration([-1,0,0;1,0,0]); % 0 to 1 hour
    strtaddrcmpf = @(c1,c2) cellfun(@(s2) ....
        cellfun(@(s1) ....
        ~(isempty(strfind(s1,s2)) | isempty(strfind(s2,s1))), ....
        c1), ....
    % buffer original to speed up
    fprintf('Pre-processing started at %s \n', datestr(datetime('now')))
    T1B = cell2table([repmat({''}, LT1, 5), repmat({true}, LT1, 4)], ....
        'VariableNames', {'CrashDTU','CrashDTD',  ....
        'StrtAdd','PoCityN', 'CountyN', ....
        'CrashDTFlg', 'StrtAddFlg', 'PoCityNFlg', 'CountyNFlg'});
    T2B = cell2table([repmat({''}, LT2, 4), repmat({true}, LT2, 3)], ....
        'VariableNames', {'CrashDT', 'StrtAdd', 'PoCityN', 'CountyN', ....
        'StrtAddFlg', 'PoCityNFlg', 'CountyNFlg'});
    fprintf('Progress:        ')
    for tt2 = 1:LT2
        fprintf('%s',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,length('Progress:        ')))
        fprintf('Progress: %6.2f%%', tt2/LT2*50);
        cdate2 = T2.CrashDate{tt2};
        crasht2 = T2.CrashTime{tt2};
        assert(~isempty(cdate2) & ~isempty(crasht2),'Major data missing')
        crashdt2 = [cdate2, ' ', crasht2];
        T2B.CrashDT{tt2} = datetime(crashdt2,'InputFormat',dtstr);
        strtaddr2 = T2.RouteName{tt2};
        if ~isempty(strtaddr2)
            strtaddr2 = upper(strtaddr2);
            strtaddr2 = strrep(strtaddr2,'ROAD','RD'); % repeat for HWY ST etc
            strtaddr2 = strsplit(strtaddr2,'/');
            switch true
                case strfind(strtaddr2,'I95')
                    strtaddr2 = {'I95'};
                case strfind(strtaddr2,'I495')
                    strtaddr2 = {'I495'};
                    strtaddr2 = cellfun(@(s) s(isletter(s)), ....
                        strtaddr2, 'Uniform',false);
            T2B.StrtAdd{tt2} = strtaddr2;
            T2B.StrtAddFlg(tt2) = false;
        pcityn2 = T2.PostalCityName{tt2};
        if ~isempty(pcityn2)
            pcityn2 = upper(pcityn2);
            pcityn2 = pcityn2(isletter(pcityn2));
            T2B.PoCityN{tt2} = pcityn2;
            T2B.PoCityNFlg(tt2) = false;
        countyn2 = T2.County_Name{tt2};
        if ~isempty(countyn2)
            countyn2 = upper(countyn2);
            countyn2 = countyn2(isletter(countyn2));
            countyn2 = strrep(countyn2,'COUNTY','');
            T2B.CountyN{tt2} = countyn2;
            T2B.CountyNFlg(tt2) = false;
    for tt1 = 1:LT1
        fprintf('%s',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,length('Progress:        ')))
        fprintf('Progress: %6.2f%%', tt1/LT1*50+50);
        strtaddr1 = upper(T1.AddressStreet{tt1});
        if ~isempty(strtaddr1)
            strtaddr1 = strrep(strtaddr1,'ROAD','RD');
            strtaddr1 = strsplit(strtaddr1,'/');
            switch true
                case strfind(strtaddr1,'I95')
                    strtaddr1 = {'I95'};
                case strfind(strtaddr1,'I495')
                    strtaddr1 = {'I495'};
                    strtaddr1 = cellfun(@(s) s(isletter(s)), ....
                        strtaddr1, 'Uniform',false);
            T1B.StrtAdd{tt1} = strtaddr1;
            T1B.StrtAddFlg(tt1) = false;
        pcityn1 = upper(T1.AddressCityIncident{tt1});
        if ~isempty(pcityn1)
            pcityn1 = pcityn1(isletter(pcityn1));
            T1B.PoCityN{tt1} = pcityn1;
            T1B.PoCityNFlg(tt1) = false;
        countyn1 = upper(T1.AddressCountyIncident{tt1});
        if ~isempty(countyn1)
            countyn1 = countyn1(isletter(countyn1));
            countyn1 = strrep(countyn1,'COUNTY','');
            T1B.CountyN{tt1} = countyn1;
            T1B.CountyNFlg(tt1) = false;
        crashdt1u = T1.UnitNotified{tt1};
        crashdt1d = T1.DispatchNotified{tt1};
        if ~isempty(crashdt1u) || ~isempty(crashdt1d)
            tmatch = true(2,1);
    %         a little dirty here, need both date and time
                if ~isempty(crashdt1u)
                    crashdt1u = datetime(crashdt1u,'InputFormat',dtstr);
                    T1B.CrashDTU{tt1} = crashdt1u;
                if ~isempty(crashdt1d)
                    crashdt1d = datetime(crashdt1d,'InputFormat',dtstr);
                    T1B.CrashDTD{tt1} = crashdt1d;
                T1B.CrashDTFlg(tt1) = false;
            T1B.CrashDTFlg(tt1) = false;
    fprintf('%s',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,length('Progress:        ')))
    fprintf('Pre-processing finished at %s \n', ....
    fprintf('Matching started at %s \n', datestr(datetime('now')))
    % process data
    fprintf('Progress:        ')
    for tt2 = 1:LT2
        fprintf('%s',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,length('Progress:        ')))
        fprintf('Progress: %6.2f%%', tt2/LT2*100);
    %     extract a row for comparison
        crashdt2 = T2B.CrashDT{tt2};
        strtaddr2 = T2B.StrtAdd{tt2};
        pcityn2 = T2B.PoCityN{tt2};
        countyn2 = T2B.CountyN{tt2};
        for tt1 = 1:LT1
            if augmented(tt1) % match already found, skip
    %         Boolean comparison: treat missing data as identical
            cdate1 = T1.IncidentDate{tt1};
            match1 = strcmp(cdate1, cdate2); % incident date
            if ~match1
            if T2B.StrtAddFlg(tt2) && T1B.StrtAddFlg(tt1) % put 2 first: faster
                strtaddr1 = T1B.StrtAdd{tt1};
                strtaddr_cmp = strtaddrcmpf(strtaddr2,strtaddr1);
                match2 = any(strtaddr_cmp); % street name match
            if ~match2
            if T2B.PoCityNFlg(tt2) && T1B.PoCityNFlg(tt1)
                pcityn1 = T1B.PoCityN{tt1};
                match3 = strcmp(pcityn1,pcityn2); % postal city name match
            if ~match3
            if T2B.CountyNFlg(tt2) && T1B.CountyNFlg(tt1)
                countyn1 = T1B.CountyN{tt1};
                countyn1 = countyn1(isletter(countyn1));
                countyn1 = strrep(countyn1,'COUNTY','');
                match4 = strcmp(countyn1,countyn2); % county name match
            if ~match4
            if T1B.CrashDTFlg(tt1)
                crashdt1u = T1B.CrashDTU{tt1};
                crashdt1d = T1B.CrashDTD{tt1};
    %             a little dirty here, need both date and time
                if ~isempty(crashdt1u)
                    difcrdt1u = crashdt1u-crashdt2;
                    tmatch1 = difcrdt1u >= trange(1) && difcrdt1u <= trange(2);
                if ~isempty(crashdt1d)
                    difcrdt1d = crashdt1d-crashdt2;
                    tmatch2 = difcrdt1d >= trange(1) && difcrdt1d <= trange(2);
                match5 = tmatch1 & tmatch2;
            if ~match5
    %         append row in T2 to T1
            T1{tt1,{'County_Name', 'City_Name', 'Town_Name', ....
                'CrashTime', 'SecondaryLocation', 'RouteName', ....
                'PostalCityName'}} = ....
                table2cell( T2(tt2,{'County_Name', 'City_Name', ....
                'Town_Name', 'CrashTime', 'SecondaryLocation', ....
                'RouteName', 'PostalCityName'}) );
            augmented(tt1) = true;
    %         break % assume unique matching
    fprintf('%s',repmat(sprintf('\b'),1,length('Progress:        ')))
    fprintf('Matching finished at %s \nTotalling %d matches. \n', ....
        datestr(datetime('now')), sum(augmented))

    Edit: With newly uploaded data set by OP, more cases are covered.

    • Road crossings such as 'GEORGETOWN PIKE/CENTRILLION DR' should be matched with either 'GEORGETOWN PIKE' or 'CENTRILLION DR'.
    • Interstate names like 'I95' has numerics in its name that should be differentiated from street numbers.
    • Interstate names sometimes contains detailed location which should be ignored. (And look at other information)

    Added progress display.

    Edit: I forgot to use augmented record to speed things up. Also, added debugging part at the end in order to see which conditions are not met during a match.

    Here is a solution using the table class in Matlab. Since it's a pretty new feature, programming in different versions of Matlab may vary. I'm using R2015b.

    Key points:

    1. For each row in Dataset 2, find match through all rows in Dataset 1.
    2. If any content of the record mismatches, skip. Otherwise, consider them to belong to the same incident.
    3. Attach additional content in Dataset 2 to 1.

    Example code with comments:


    I got this message from Matlab

    Warning: Variable names were modified to make them valid MATLAB identifiers.

    So you may have to change the column names in the tables to your desire.

    These are the original datasets imported from your csv files


    Example output:


    New data set and output:

    >> T1
    T1 = 
        IncidentDate                   AddressStreet                   AddressCityIncident    AddressCountyIncident    AddressState    IncidentPostalCode    DispatchNotified      UnitNotified  
        ____________    ___________________________________________    ___________________    _____________________    ____________    __________________    ________________    ________________
        '1/1/2014'      'BURKE LAKE RD/BURKE RD'                       'BURKE'                'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22015                 '1/1/2014 1:33'     '1/1/2014 1:33' 
        '1/1/2014'      'BURKE LAKE RD/BURKE RD'                       'BURKE'                'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22015                 '1/1/2014 1:33'     '1/1/2014 1:33' 
        '1/1/2014'      'I95 SB TO OLD KEENE MILL RD'                  'SPRINGFIELD'          'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22150                 '1/1/2014 2:00'     '1/1/2014 2:00' 
        '1/1/2014'      'SYDENSTRICKER RD/OLD KEENE MILL RD'           'BURKE'                'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22015                 '1/1/2014 4:54'     '1/1/2014 4:54' 
        '1/1/2014'      'RT28 SB THRU RAMP/RT28 SB RAMP TO RT50 WB'    'CHANTILLY'            'Fairfax County'         'VA'            20151                 '1/1/2014 12:28'    '1/1/2014 12:28'
        '1/1/2014'      '11700 SWARTS DR'                              'FAIRFAX'              'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22030                 '1/1/2014 13:07'    '1/1/2014 13:07'
        '1/1/2014'      '11700 SWARTS DR'                              'FAIRFAX'              'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22030                 '1/1/2014 13:07'    '1/1/2014 13:07'
        '1/1/2014'      'CENTREVILLE RD/BRADENTON DR'                  'CENTREVILLE'          'Fairfax County'         'VA'            20121                 '1/1/2014 13:41'    '1/1/2014 13:41'
        '1/1/2014'      'GEORGETOWN PIKE/CENTRILLION DR'               'MCLEAN'               'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22102                 '1/1/2014 16:45'    '1/1/2014 16:45'
        '1/1/2014'      'GEORGETOWN PIKE/CENTRILLION DR'               'MCLEAN'               'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22102                 '1/1/2014 16:42'    '1/1/2014 16:42'
        '1/1/2014'      '8526 GEORGETOWN PIKE'                         'MCLEAN'               'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22102                 '1/1/2014 16:49'    '1/1/2014 16:49'
        '1/1/2014'      'OX RD/BRADDOCK RD'                            'FAIRFAX'              'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22032                 '1/1/2014 22:32'    '1/1/2014 22:32'
    >> T2
    T2 = 
        CrashDate       County_Name       City_Name    Town_Name    CrashTime        SecondaryLocation              RouteName         PostalCityName
        __________    ________________    _________    _________    _________    __________________________    ___________________    ______________
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '6:35'       ''                            'I95'                  'LORTON'      
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '5:19'       ''                            'I95 RAMP'             'SPRINGFIELD' 
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '10:23'      ''                            'I495'                 'ANNANDALE'   
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '2:08'       ''                            'BUILDERS RD'          'HERNDON'     
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '16:42'      ''                            'GEORGETOWN PIKE'      'MCLEAN'      
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '20:55'      'LEESBURG PIKE'               'WILSON BLVD'          'FALLS CHURCH'
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '4:54'       ''                            'SYDENSTRICKER RD'     'BURKE'       
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '2:34'       'BEACON HILL RD'              'RICHMOND HWY'         'ALEXANDRIA'  
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '2:00'       ''                            'COAT RIDGE RD'        'HERNDON'     
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '13:17'      ''                            'OLD KEENE MILL RD'    'BURKE'       
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '5:19'       'MCLEAREN RD'                 'CENTREVILLE RD'       'HERNDON'     
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '21:48'      'VIRGINIA CENTER BLVD'        'VADEN DR'             'VIENNA'      
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '19:59'      'FAIRFAX COUNTY PKWY RAMP'    'LEE HWY RAMP'         'FAIRFAX'     
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '2:36'       ''                            'I95'                  'SPRINGFIELD' 
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '20:36'      'MOUNT GILEAD RD'             'BRADDOCK RD'          'CENTREVILLE' 
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '1:46'       ''                            'I95'                  'LORTON'      
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '18:45'      ''                            'I495'                 'HAMPTON'     
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '13:40'      'BRADENTON DR'                'CENTREVILLE RD'       'CENTREVILLE' 
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '17:24'      'SHREVE HILL RD'              'IDYLWOOD RD'          'DUNN LORING' 
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '17:46'      'SACRAMENTO DR'               'RICHMOND HWY'         'ALEXANDRIA'  
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '1:40'       ''                            'WINBOURNE RD'         'BURKE'       
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '1:33'       ''                            'BURKE LAKE RD'        'BURKE'       
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '15:44'      'TELEGRAPH RD'                'FRANCONIA RD'         'ALEXANDRIA'  
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '22:19'      'OX RD'                       'BRADDOCK RD'          'FAIRFAX'     
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '12:27'      ''                            'SULLY RD'             'HERNDON'     
        '1/1/2014'    'Fairfax County'    NaN          NaN          '11:25'      'MONUMENT DR'                 'LEE HWY'              'FAIRFAX'     
    T1 = 
        IncidentDate                   AddressStreet                   AddressCityIncident    AddressCountyIncident    AddressState    IncidentPostalCode    DispatchNotified      UnitNotified        County_Name       City_Name    Town_Name    CrashTime    SecondaryLocation        RouteName         PostalCityName
        ____________    ___________________________________________    ___________________    _____________________    ____________    __________________    ________________    ________________    ________________    _________    _________    _________    _________________    __________________    ______________
        '1/1/2014'      'BURKE LAKE RD/BURKE RD'                       'BURKE'                'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22015                 '1/1/2014 1:33'     '1/1/2014 1:33'     'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '1:33'       ''                   'BURKE LAKE RD'       'BURKE'       
        '1/1/2014'      'BURKE LAKE RD/BURKE RD'                       'BURKE'                'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22015                 '1/1/2014 1:33'     '1/1/2014 1:33'     'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '1:33'       ''                   'BURKE LAKE RD'       'BURKE'       
        '1/1/2014'      'I95 SB TO OLD KEENE MILL RD'                  'SPRINGFIELD'          'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22150                 '1/1/2014 2:00'     '1/1/2014 2:00'     ''                  ''           ''           ''           ''                   ''                    ''            
        '1/1/2014'      'SYDENSTRICKER RD/OLD KEENE MILL RD'           'BURKE'                'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22015                 '1/1/2014 4:54'     '1/1/2014 4:54'     'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '4:54'       ''                   'SYDENSTRICKER RD'    'BURKE'       
        '1/1/2014'      'RT28 SB THRU RAMP/RT28 SB RAMP TO RT50 WB'    'CHANTILLY'            'Fairfax County'         'VA'            20151                 '1/1/2014 12:28'    '1/1/2014 12:28'    ''                  ''           ''           ''           ''                   ''                    ''            
        '1/1/2014'      '11700 SWARTS DR'                              'FAIRFAX'              'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22030                 '1/1/2014 13:07'    '1/1/2014 13:07'    ''                  ''           ''           ''           ''                   ''                    ''            
        '1/1/2014'      '11700 SWARTS DR'                              'FAIRFAX'              'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22030                 '1/1/2014 13:07'    '1/1/2014 13:07'    ''                  ''           ''           ''           ''                   ''                    ''            
        '1/1/2014'      'CENTREVILLE RD/BRADENTON DR'                  'CENTREVILLE'          'Fairfax County'         'VA'            20121                 '1/1/2014 13:41'    '1/1/2014 13:41'    'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '13:40'      'BRADENTON DR'       'CENTREVILLE RD'      'CENTREVILLE' 
        '1/1/2014'      'GEORGETOWN PIKE/CENTRILLION DR'               'MCLEAN'               'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22102                 '1/1/2014 16:45'    '1/1/2014 16:45'    'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '16:42'      ''                   'GEORGETOWN PIKE'     'MCLEAN'      
        '1/1/2014'      'GEORGETOWN PIKE/CENTRILLION DR'               'MCLEAN'               'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22102                 '1/1/2014 16:42'    '1/1/2014 16:42'    'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '16:42'      ''                   'GEORGETOWN PIKE'     'MCLEAN'      
        '1/1/2014'      '8526 GEORGETOWN PIKE'                         'MCLEAN'               'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22102                 '1/1/2014 16:49'    '1/1/2014 16:49'    'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '16:42'      ''                   'GEORGETOWN PIKE'     'MCLEAN'      
        '1/1/2014'      'OX RD/BRADDOCK RD'                            'FAIRFAX'              'Fairfax County'         'VA'            22032                 '1/1/2014 22:32'    '1/1/2014 22:32'    'Fairfax County'    [NaN]        [NaN]        '22:19'      'OX RD'              'BRADDOCK RD'         'FAIRFAX'