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ng2 Get Object from HttpGet Service

I am trying to get JSON data from my WebAPI and it's not working. I always get undefined whenever I try to use that return object in my component.

I would like to display the student and course data on the home landing page of my website. At the moment, my controller / api is returning the hardcoded data.


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';

export class StudentService {
    private http: Http;            

    constructor(http: Http) {
        this.http = http;

    getStudentCourse(): Observable<IStudentCourse> {
        var model: IStudentCourse;

        this.http.get('/api/student/getstudentcourse').subscribe(result => {
            model = result.json() as IStudentCourse;


        }, error => console.log('Could not load data.'));

        console.log("model: outside of httpget: " + model);

        return Observable.of(model);        

export interface IStudentCourse {
    refNo: string;
    student: number;
    offeringName: number;
    offeringID: string;

I can confirm that my service is returning JSON data and I can see it in Network Traffic and can see it my console.

enter image description here


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { StudentService, IStudentCourse } from './student.service';

    selector: 'home',
    templateUrl: './home.component.html'
export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {    

    studentCourse: IStudentCourse;
    Message: string;

        private _studentService: StudentService) {        

    ngOnInit(): void {
        console.log("Init: " + this.studentCourse.offeringName);

    getStudentCourse() {        
            item => this.studentCourse = Object.assign({}, item),
            error => this.Message = <any>error);

You can see in my screenshot that, studentCourse is always null in ngOnInit and I couldn't manage to bind it.

Could you please help me with this error? Thanks.

Updated: plnkr Link

I prefer to put this HttpGet service in the separate service file because I need to use it in other components too.


  • see plunker : plunker

    in your template use ?:

    <h2>Hello {{studentCourse?.student}}</h2>

    don't subscribe in the service , you can do this:

     getStudentCourse(): Observable<IStudentCourse> {
            let model: IStudentCourse;
            return this.http.get('/api/student/getstudentcourse').map(result => {
                model = result.json() as IStudentCourse;
                return model;
            }).catch( error => console.log('Could not load data.'));