I am trying to read Geographic latitude and longitude into R. These geographic data are usually numeric values with over 6 digits. I was trying to read excel file with read_excel() in "read_excel" package, and read.csv in base R, and read_csv() in "readr" package. However, none of the aforementioned functions can correctly read these data without loss of information. All of these functions, without exception, could only read numeric values truncated at 4 or 5 digits. I also tried to use "options(digits = 8)" to specify the default digit before reading the data, but it does not work. Here I have made a reproducible example for the read_csv() function in "readr" package:
read_csv("112.8397456,35.50496106\n112.583984,37.8519194\n112.5826569,37.8602818", col_names = FALSE)
The system automatically truncates the data at 5 digits:
# A tibble: 3 × 2
X1 X2
<dbl> <dbl>
1 112.8397 35.50496
2 112.5840 37.85192
3 112.5827 37.86028
I have checked on stackoverflow, and it seems that no similar questions have been brought up. Could any one give me a feasible answer on how to read this form of data with information loss? Thanks. :)
This isn't an issue with readr. The full data is still in there—R is just not showing it all. The same thing happens when you use base R's read.csv()
df.readr <- read_csv("112.8397456,35.50496106\n112.583984,37.8519194\n112.5826569,37.8602818", col_names = FALSE)
df.base <- read.csv(textConnection("112.8397456,35.50496106\n112.583984,37.8519194\n112.5826569,37.8602818"), header = FALSE)
# By default R shows 7 digits
#> [1] 7
# Both CSV files are truncated at 7 digits
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> X1 X2
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 112.8397 35.50496
#> 2 112.5840 37.85192
#> 3 112.5827 37.86028
#> V1 V2
#> 1 112.8397 35.50496
#> 2 112.5840 37.85192
#> 3 112.5827 37.86028
# Bumping up the digits shows more
options("digits" = 15)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> X1 X2
#> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 112.8397456 35.50496106
#> 2 112.5839840 37.85191940
#> 3 112.5826569 37.86028180
#> V1 V2
#> 1 112.8397456 35.50496106
#> 2 112.5839840 37.85191940
#> 3 112.5826569 37.86028180