I am currently working on a database structure in Microsoft Access 2010 and I have come across following question:
I have a table called tblPC and another table called tblOperators: tblOperators has following attributes: idOperator (Primary key, autoincrement number), idStaff_number(personnel number) and txtOperator_name.
tblPC has following attributes: idPC(Primary key, autoincrement number), txtModelNumber, numPC_serial_number, idOperator(number)
Now I want to connect those two tables: one Operator can operate on one or more PCs, but an PC has only one Operator, which means, that there would be a 1:n-Relation between tblOperators and tblPC.
My question: Is the idOperator Attribut in the PC table correct? I am afraid that it wouldnt match the second normal form because the idOperator has nothing to do with the Primary key?
Thanks in advance!!
If you don't have composite keys then if you're in 1NF you're automagically in 2NF.