In one of my Stack Overflow questions about MS Access front-ends, an SO community member suggests that each user should have their own copy of the .MDB
front-end file:
Don't put the database on a network drive and share it with users. Give each user their own copy.
Is this necessary? What are the problems associated with multiple users accessing the same file?
The estimated number of users for my future front-end is currently 5, possibly growing to 10-20.
It is not necessary if you mark the file itself as read-only (right-click, properties, bottom-left mark) as all temp data then will be forced to real temp files and the file, per definition, cannot be corrupted.
However, the user will be warned about this with a yellow banner when he/she opens the file.
If they can't live with that, you can create a shortcut to copy and launch the frontend which will provide "automatic" updates of all users' frontends at relaunch.
A script that performs this (you may reduce it somewhat for your scenario) can be found here:
Deploy and update a Microsoft Access application in a Citrix environment