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What's the meaning of android:progressBarStyle attribute in ProgressBar?

I've been looking through the documentation for ProgressBar class and found these attributes:

  • android:progressBarStyle
  • android:progressBarStyleHorizontal
  • android:progressBarStyleLarge
  • android:progressBarStyleSmall

These four parameters are supposed to be a reference to some style as I take it. So the question is, what are these for? Style for the progress bar is set via android:style attribute and a reference to the global style attributes.

Documentation doesn't say anything helpful, searched the Web, found nothing.


  • The four attributes that you mention can be applied to a ProgressBar's style like so:


    The style constant android:progressBarStyleHorizontal is your typical incremental progress bar:

    alt text

    While the other three are varying sizes of the same circular progress bar:


    alt text


    alt text


    alt text


    According to adamp's comments:

    These are attributes of the theme that point at themed styles you can use for progress indicators...They are not attributes for ProgressBar itself.