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Generic function does not update the value of label in tableview cell after tableView.reloadData()

I have a function where I am incrementing the value of the label as below

@IBAction func buttonClicked(_ sender: UIButton) {
        let indexPath = indexPath(sender: sender, tableView: profileTableView)

        array[Int((indexPath.row))].likes = String(Int(array[Int((indexPath.row))].likes)!+1)

In the above function after the reloadData value of the label gets incremented to the next number, But when I make it a generic function in an extension as below the value of the label does not increment

func buttonClicked(data:String,tableView:UITableView) {
        let data = String(Int(data)!+1)
        print("Incremented data", data)

I am calling the function as following but the label does not get updated with the incremented value . It retains the old value.

buttonClicked(data: feeds[Int((indexPath.row))].likes, tableView: userProfileTableView)

Any help will be appreciated . Thank you.


  • you should change your code to this.

    let numLikes = Int(feeds[Int((indexPath.row))].likes)!
    feeds[Int((indexPath.row)).likes = String(numLikes)

    Because String is a value types.

    When you do this.

    buttonClicked(data: feeds[Int((indexPath.row))].likes, tableView: userProfileTableView)
    func buttonClicked(data:String,tableView:UITableView) {
        let data = String(Int(data)!+1)
        print("Incremented data", data)

    1) New value variables data in func buttonClicked will be created and has value = feeds[Int((indexPath.row))].likes

    2) when you change data, it just change data but not feeds[Int((indexPath.row))].likes

    Look at Value and Reference Type for more info.