I'm using autobahn-js (0.11.2) in a web browser and the crossbar message router (v17.2.1) in the backend.
In case of a network disconnect (e.g. due to poor network) the autobahn-js client can be configured to try to reconnect periodically.
Now in my web app powered by autobahn subscriptions to different WAMP topics are created session.subscribe('my.topic', myhandleevent)
Is there a best practice on how to reregister all active subscriptions upon reconnect? Is that maybe configurable even?
I think resubscriptions are not configurable out-of-box. But onopen is fired after reconnect, so placing subscriptions initialization inside it, will do the thing:
var ses;
var onOpenFunctions = [];
function addOnOpenFunction(name) {
if (ses !== null) {
connection.onopen = function (session, details) {
ses = session;
for (var i = 0; i < onOpenFunctions.length; i++) {
Then if you want subscribe dynamically you have to do this:
function subscribeTopic() {
session.subscribe('my.topic', myhandleevent)