I'm currently trying to implement the Diamond Square algorithm and while the thing is somewhat working, I'm confused by the HeightMap.
Here it is :
As you can see the squares are clearly outlined by brighters values, while the losanges are outlined by darker values. I really cant understand why. I know that the size of the map is really small but I don't think that's the expected result anyway, and I got the same behavior with larger sizes.
Here's my code :
public class TerrainBuilder
private Terrain Terrain = null;
private Random r = new Random();
private int espace;
public void Init(Terrain _terrain)
Terrain = _terrain;
espace = Terrain.SIZE - 1;
public void DiamondAlgoritm()
if (Terrain == null)
Terrain.HeightMap[0, 0] = r.Next() % 255;
Terrain.HeightMap[0, Terrain.SIZE - 1] = r.Next() % 255;
Terrain.HeightMap[Terrain.SIZE - 1, 0] = r.Next() % 255;
Terrain.HeightMap[Terrain.SIZE - 1, Terrain.SIZE - 1] = r.Next() % 255;
int decalage = 128;
while (espace > 1)
int demiSpace = espace / 2;
//diamond phase
for (int i = demiSpace; i < espace; i = i + espace)
for (int j = demiSpace; j < espace; j = j + espace)
var avg = Terrain.HeightMap[i + demiSpace, j + demiSpace] + Terrain.HeightMap[i + demiSpace, j - demiSpace] + Terrain.HeightMap[i - demiSpace, j + demiSpace] + Terrain.HeightMap[i - demiSpace, j - demiSpace];
avg /= 4;
Terrain.HeightMap[i, j] = Normalize(avg + r.Next() % decalage);
//carre phase
for (int i = 0; i < Terrain.SIZE; i += demiSpace)
int delay = 0;
if (i % espace == 0)
delay = demiSpace;
for (int j = delay; j < Terrain.SIZE; j += espace)
double somme = 0;
int n = 0;
if (i >= demiSpace)
somme = somme + Terrain.HeightMap[i - demiSpace, j];
n = n + 1;
if (i + demiSpace < Terrain.SIZE)
somme = somme + Terrain.HeightMap[i + demiSpace, j];
n = n + 1;
if (j >= demiSpace)
somme = somme + Terrain.HeightMap[i, j - demiSpace];
n = n + 1;
if (j + demiSpace < Terrain.SIZE)
somme = somme + Terrain.HeightMap[i, j + demiSpace];
n = n + 1;
Terrain.HeightMap[i, j] = Normalize(somme / n + r.Next() % decalage);
espace = demiSpace;
private double Normalize(double value)
return Math.Max(Math.Min(value, 255), 0);
I would like some help to understand this problem.
During the diamond phase, you don't iterate over the whole map. You only calculate the first square (equal to espace
Change your loop termination conditions like this:
for (int i = demiSpace; i < Terrain.SIZE; i = i + espace)
for (int j = demiSpace; j < Terrain.SIZE; j = j + espace)
var avg = Terrain.HeightMap[i + demiSpace, j + demiSpace] +
Terrain.HeightMap[i + demiSpace, j - demiSpace] +
Terrain.HeightMap[i - demiSpace, j + demiSpace] +
Terrain.HeightMap[i - demiSpace, j - demiSpace];
avg /= 4;
Terrain.HeightMap[i, j] = Normalize(avg + r.Next() % decalage);
Also, you never adjust your randomness variable (decalage
), which should get smaller as you reduce the size of espace