I have created some cookbooks in a repository which are executed in instances in AWS. I manually create an EBS volume in AWS at location dev/xvdb
and then mount it using the following chef code:
mount "mount encrypted EBS volume at opt directory for app deployment" do
action [:mount, :enable]
device "/dev/xvdb"
fstype "ext3"
mount_point "/opt"
Now, in an effort to test the cookbooks locally, I have configured a vagrant box and trying to run the cookbook that contains the above code in it. I have the following Vagrant configuration:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.box = "precise32"
config.vm.provision "chef_solo" do |chef|
chef.cookbooks_path = "cookbooks"
chef.data_bags_path = "databags"
chef.environments_path = "environments"
chef.environment = "dev"
chef.roles_path = "roles"
But as the Vagrant box does not have a /dev/xvdb
folder path, it fails with:
==> default: Chef::Exceptions::Mount ==> default: ==> default: ----------------------- ==> default: ==> default: Device /dev/xvdb does not exist
How can I enable testing this locally on my vagrant box?
Add something like only_if { node['ec2'] }
so it only converges that resource on actual EC2 machines. You can also use stuff from node['cloud']
or similar to check, or if you wanted to make it completely generic somehow, only_if { ::File.exist?('/dev/xvdb') }