I built small search form helps me search in jobsTable from db
jobs Table has jobTitle, jobCompany, jobGovernorate, jobLocation and created_at column
And posted data from search form:
I mean some input may be null, so how to write dynamic where clause for inputs have value, i want search engine able to search by JobTitle, JobCompany or All inputs if have value.
Hint: fields name and table columns name are same
if there's a way to retrieve jobs from my db like
Sorry for poor english, I don't know how to explain my question
I prefer to define all search fields.
$searchFields = ['jobTitle','jobCompany','jobGovernorate','jobLocation','postingDate'];
$jobQuery = DB::table('jobs');
foreach ($searchFields as $field) {
if ($request->has($field)) {
$jobQuery->where($field, $request->input($field));
$results = $jobQuery->get();