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Simulate click event on raphael js path

I have 4 SVG with multiple paths. I have a copy on this SVG in a different panel (this svg is not clickable). When I click on the clickable SVG path I fill the path with a different color.

I created a button to import all paths colored on the first SVG into the second SVG. For that I have to simulate a click event on the good paths. To find the matched path I'm using the attribute d= of the path.

Here is my code to add event on each path :

function buildEvent(regions, area) {
    for(var regionName in regions) {
        (function (region) {
   = regionName;
  'clicked', false);

        region[0].addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
            if (!'clicked')) region.animate(hoverStyle, animationSpeed);
        }, true);

        region[0].addEventListener("mouseout", function() {
            if (!'clicked')) region.animate(style, animationSpeed);
        }, true);

        region[0].addEventListener("click", function() {
            if ('clicked')) {
                region.attr("fill", "#ddd");
      'clicked', false);
                json_data[area][] = false;
                region.attr("fill", "#A8BED5");
      'clicked', true);
                json_data[area][] = true;
        }, true);


And here is my code when I click on the import button

$('#btn-import').on('click', function() {

    $(' svg path').each(function () {
        if ($(this).attr('fill') == '#A8BED5') {
            var to_fill = $("#form svg path[d='" + $(this).attr('d') + "']");

            // to_fill.trigger('click');
            // to_fill[0].trigger('click');

As you can see I tried 4 ways to trigger my click event. I don't understand why the click event isn't triggered. to_fill variable is the good object I think because I can get the fill attribute of my path if I did :

console.log(to_fill.attr('fill') // output #dddddd


  • I solved my problem. I replaced this line :

    region[0].addEventListener("click", function() {

    By this line :

    region.node.onclick = function () {

    And now I can use to_fill.trigger('click'); or;