I have an annotation which has a feature of the type FSArray. This feature should contain a list of strings.
FSArray fsArray = (FSArray)annotation.getFeatureValue(fe);
How do I get the list of strings from the FSArray?
Looping through fsArray.toStringArray() only returns the string "FSArray" and not the actual value.
There are some important concepts which are important to understand when retrieving values from a FSArray within UIMA:
Let say that we have the following two Types:
And we have the following sentence:
Car A and car B are both blue.
Lets assume that a previous UIMA stage has annotated the entire sentence using the Type com.a.b.c.ColoredCar as following:
begin: 0
end: 24
color: "blue"
cars: FSArray
Lets also assume that we known from the type definition that the feature cars is an FSArray of com.a.b.c.Car and that Car contains the following values:
begin: 4
end: 5
manufacturer: "Volvo"
begin: 14
end: 15
manufacturer: "Toyota"
The following code will then demonstrate how to retrieve the manufacturer attributes / features of the cars FSArray.
public void process(JCas aJCas) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException {
List<TOP> tops = new ArrayList<TOP>(JCasUtil.selectAll(aJCas));
List<String> manufacturers = new ArrayList<>();
for (TOP t : tops) {
if (t.getType().getName().endsWith("ColoredCar")) {
Feature carsFeature = t.getType().getFeatureByBaseName("cars");
FSArray fsArray = (FSArray) t.getFeatureValue(carsFeature);
FeatureStructure[] arrayStructures = fsArray.toArray();
for (int i = 0; i < arrayStructures.length; i++) {
FeatureStructure fs = arrayStructures[i];
Feature manufacturerFeature = fs.getType().getFeatureByBaseName("cars");
manufacturers.add(fs.getStringValue(manufacturerFeature) );
To dig deeper into this, it's a good idea to read how Type systems, Heap and Index Repository works within CAS.