I've created an image in GIMP 2.8 with several paths using Select -> To Path
. Now I want to create a Python script that will loop through all these paths, make a selection based on each path, cut out the selection to a new image, do some additional stuff,
and save each cut-out to a separate PNG image.
So far I've got this Python script, which I can start from Filters -> Paths
as a menu item:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
from gimpfu import *
import os
def export_paths_to_pngs(img, layer, path, vis):
# get all paths (internally called "vectors")
cnt, vectors = pdb.gimp_image_get_vectors(img)
if (cnt > 0):
# iterate all paths
for n in vectors:
v = gimp.Vectors.from_id(n)
# only visible paths
if (v.visible):
st = v.strokes
sufix = 0
# iterate all strokes in vector
for ss in st:
type, num_pnts, cntrlpnts, closed = pdb.gimp_vectors_stroke_get_points(v, ss.ID)
pdb.gimp_image_select_polygon(img, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, len(cntrlpnts), cntrlpnts)
# tell gimp about our plugin
"Export paths as png files",
"Export paths as png files",
"<Image>/Filters/Paths/Export paths to png", # menu path
"", # Create a new image, don't work on an existing one
(PF_DIRNAME, "export_directory", "Export destination directory", "/tmp"),
(PF_TOGGLE, "p2", "TOGGLE:", 1)
However, the problem is that the python function gimp_image_select_polygon
doesn't make a selection as intended.
The selection seems to have some differences in the bezier curves (or something like that) which is not exactly the same as the path it's based on.
On the other hand, the menu item From Path
does work correctly, it makes a perfect selection based on the path. See image below:
So my questions are:
Select -> From Path
and the GimpPython function gimp_image_select_polygon
incorrectly, or is there another function I should use?From Path
directly from Python?Don't use
which is meant to create a polygonal selection (like the Freehand selection in "polygon" mode). You should be using
(on the whole path, no need to do it stroke by stroke).
PS: your code to iterate on paths is very contrived. It is normally as simple as:
for v in img.vectors:
if v.visible: