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Using metro ui css to build a profile page

has anyone built a profile using metro ui css, i need some inspiration for an online management system using metro and not able to come across much online. Thanks.


  • Not necessarily using the Metro UI CSS however these examples will hopefully provide inspiration that you could use to design your own.

    Metro drew on clean typography and geometry - heavy use of the grid system and white-space. As Metro has matured it's moved on from the original designs, however Microsoft have continued to champion those original concepts - check out their guidelines for developing apps, and you might find exploring their products Windows Phone, Xbox One, and the Windows 10 redesign that got leaked - This one in-particular has quite a few ideas for profiles.

    I first started reading about Metro from Long Zheng's blog - And through him I discovered Mike Guss. Guss was one of the initial designers of the Metro language. He's recently updated his website and has some great Metro work on there:

    Apparently there are quite a few "Metro" front-ends, inspiration found here:

    A couple examples here:

    And more here: