When I run frama-c -jessie -jessie-atp simplify max-anno.c
I get the following:
[kernel] preprocessing with "gcc -C -E -I. -dD max-anno.c"
[jessie] Starting Jessie translation
[jessie] Producing Jessie files in subdir max-anno.jessie
[jessie] File max-anno.jessie/max-anno.jc written.
[jessie] File max-anno.jessie/max-anno.cloc written.
[jessie] Calling Jessie tool in subdir max-anno.jessie
Generating Why function max
[jessie] Calling VCs generator.
why -simplify [...] why/max-anno.why
Running Simplify on proof obligations
(. = valid * = invalid ? = unknown # = timeout ! = failure)
simplify/max-anno_why.sx : !!!!!! (0/0/0/0/6)
total : 6
valid : 0 ( 0%)
invalid : 0 ( 0%)
unknown : 0 ( 0%)
timeout : 0 ( 0%)
failure : 6 (100%) <=======================================
total wallclock time : 0.01 sec
total CPU time : 0.00 sec
valid VCs:
average CPU time : -nan
max CPU time : 0.00
invalid VCs:
average CPU time : -nan
max CPU time : 0.00
unknown VCs:
average CPU time : -nan
max CPU time : 0.00
Nothing seems to be done. All VCs fail.
My guess is that something is not installed properly or is missing, but without more meaningful error messages, I'm stuck.
Simplify is not installed.
Simplify can be found here in binary form. I was unable to find the sources.
Move it to /usr/bin or somewhere else in your path.