I'm building a simple form in MS Access with a listbox in which I want to display data that is stored in a MySQL Server table. I want two columns to display in the listbox.
I am able to display the first column with the additem property but the second column throws the run time error message 424 Object Required.
I have searched for hours in the web an in my books but I can't figure it out. What is the problem?
Private Sub cmdSuchenVerantwortlich_Click()
Dim rsAuswahl As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Long
If pConnectDB.State = adStateClosed Then
End If
Me.lstAuswahl.RowSourceType = "Value List"
'Clear Listbox
For i = Me.lstAuswahl.ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
Me.lstAuswahl.RemoveItem i
Next i
With rsAuswahl
.ActiveConnection = pConnectDB
.CursorType = adOpenStatic
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Open Source:="select MATNR, AUSNAHME from Ausnahmeliste where VERANTWORTLICH = '" & Me.cboVerantwortlich & "' "
Do Until .EOF
Me.lstAuswahl.AddItem .Fields("MATNR").Value
Me.lstAuswahl.Column(1, Me.lstAuswahl.ListCount - 1) = .Fields("AUSNAHME").Value
End With
End Sub
The code Me.lstAuswahl.Column(1, Me.lstAuswahl.ListCount - 1) = .Fields("AUSNAHME").Value
throws the error messsage.
The data type in the MySQL table of MATNR and AUSNAHME is varchar.
When I hold the mouse over .Fields("MATNR").Value
I can see the excpected value and holding the mouse over .Fields("AUSNAHME").Value
I can see the expected value as well. So the data is the but what's wrong ?
Thanks for anybody's help.
To add values using the "AddItem" method of the listbox, you need to concatenate the values, separated by a comma, so a delimited string as below:
Make sure that the columncount of your listbox is set to 2, or however many columns you want displayed.
Me.lstAuswahl.AddItem .Fields("MATNR").Value & "," & .Fields("AUSNAHME").Value
If you are only adding a few records, this is probably okay, but if you are going to display a lot of rows, it maybe best to transfer the data to a local table in access, and then bound your listbox directly to the table/query local to access.