I was wondering if anybody here attempted creating an Automation Service to Export a DataTable to Xlsx in Spotfire Automation Services? I have been trying to create one but I am having issues. If anybody has been able to do this can you please share your project?
THis is the code I have thus far but having issues with Accessing the DataSource and DataTable.
protected override TaskExecutionStatus ExecuteCore(TaskExecutionContext context)
DataRowReader dataRowReader;
///Create a DataWriter
DataWriter writer = context.Application.CreateDataWriter(DataWriterTypeIdentifiers.ExcelXlsDataWriter);
///Call the DataWriter Core from here or call a class that will do the relevant work
///<toDO>Need to find a way to access the current DataTable of the Open Analysis</toDo>
Document doc = context.Application.Document;
if(doc == null)
return new TaskExecutionStatus(false, "NoAnalysisLoaded");
DataManager data = doc.Context.GetService<DataManager>();
DataTable table = data.Tables.Add(doc.ActiveDataTableReference, dataSource);
string fileName = context.ExpandTags(this.filePath);
FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(fileName);
//See how to properly impliment the writers
writer.Write(fs, table, new IndexSet(table.RowCount, true), table.Columns.Names);
return new TaskExecutionStatus(true);
To get the active data table reference you should use
DataTable mytable = Application.Document.ActiveDataTableReference;
and then you can use mytable
further in the code.