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Serverless Framework with AWS Lambda error "Cannot find module"

I'm trying to use the Serverless Framework to create a Lambda function that uses open weather NPM module. However, I'm getting the following exception, but my node_modules contain the specific library.

I have managed to run the sample, ( successfully, now hacking to add node module to integrate open weather API.

Endpoint response body before transformations: {"errorMessage":"Cannot find module 'Openweather-Node'","errorType":"Error","stackTrace":["Module.require (module.js:353:17)","require (internal/module.js:12:17)","Object.<anonymous> (/var/task/todos/weather.js:4:17)","Module._compile (module.js:409:26)","Object.Module._extensions..js

My code

'use strict';

  const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
  var weather = require('Openweather-Node');

  const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); = (event, context, callback) => {
    const params = {
      TableName: process.env.DYNAMODB_TABLE,
      Key: {

    //set the culture
    //set the forecast type

    const response = {
      statusCode: 200,
      body: "{test response}",
    callback(null, response);          


  • Did you npm install in your working directory before doing your serverless deploy? The aws-sdk node module is available to all lambda functions, but for all other node dependencies you must install them so they will be packaged with your lambda when you deploy.

    You may find this issue on the serverless repository helpful (