Search code examples

Angular not clearing text input

I want to hide a div based on a click from a controller :


<div ng-controller ="myctrl">
    <div ng-repeat="emp in emps">
       <div class="myclass">
        <p> {{}} </p> 
          <span class="testclass" ng-click="showBox='true'" >Show</span><br>

          <div ng-show="showBox">
            <textarea rows="3" cols="50" ng-model="data.sometext"></textarea><br>
            <button ng-click = "testme(sometext)">Submit</button>


In the controller :

app.controller("myctrl", function($scope){

    $ = {sometext : ""}  //DONT KNOW WHY I HAD TO DO LIKE THIS

    $scope.testme = function(sometext){
        $ = "";  //THIS WORKS.
        $scope.showBox = false;     //THIS DOES NOT WORK.
        $scope.showBox = 'false';   //THIS DOES NOT WORK.

So When I click Show, the textarea is shown. When I click the button, the text area becomes empty. Like I want. But the div is not hidden. I want to hide the div when the button is clicked. Tried to make the ng-show false but its not working.



  • First of all, you shouldn't be using the ngModel directive on your span element.

    From the ngModel documentation:

    The ngModel directive binds an input, select, textarea (or custom form control) to a property on the scope using NgModelController, which is created and exposed by this directive.

    I have changed your code to make it a little clearer to demonstrate. The code now uses the controller as syntax to make it clearer where the data belongs to and the span has been changed to a button. See the AngularJS example of the controller as syntax and the benefits of doing so.

    The following demonstrates:

    1) When you click the show button, showText property of that emp is set to true.

    2) Because the scope has been updated, the $digest cycle is called and the expression within the ngShow directives on your div tags are evaluated. Those with the showText property of the emp set to true will evaluate true and the div element containing your textarea then shows.

    3) When you click the "Submit" button your testme function on your controller is called, passing in the binded value from the textarea ngModel directive held in and the emp so we can change it's properties. A text property of the emp is set to the input and the showText property is set back to false so the textarea is then hidden again.

    // app.js
    (function() {
      'use strict';
      angular.module('app', []);
    // my.controller.js
    (function() {
      'use strict';
      angular.module('app').controller("MyController", MyController);
      MyController.$inject = ['$scope'];
      function MyController($scope) {
        var vm = this;
        vm.emps = [{
            id: 1,
            name: "John Doe"
            id: 2,
            name: "Jane Smith"
            id: 3,
            name: "Jack Jones"
        // expose the testme function to the view
        vm.testme = testme;
        function testme(input, emp) {
          // get the index of the employee
          var index = vm.emps.indexOf(emp);
          // set the employee text to the input
          vm.emps[index].text = input;
          // set showText to false
          vm.emps[index].showText = false;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="MyController as MyCtrl">
      <div ng-repeat="emp in MyCtrl.emps">
        <div class="myclass">
          <p>{{}} </p>
            <button ng-click="emp.showText = !emp.showText">{{emp.showText ? 'Hide' : 'Show'}}</button>
          <div ng-show="emp.showText">
            <textarea rows="3" cols="50" ng-model=""></textarea><br>
            <button ng-click="MyCtrl.testme(, emp); = ''">Submit</button>