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Need a MySQL query for selecting from a table storing key value pairs

I need to store few items and its properties in form of a key value pairs in the database (mySQL). I am planning to do it as following.

I'll use two tables items and item_properties.


 itemId | itemName 
 1923   | AC
 1235   | Fridge
 8273   | Heater


 itemId | property    | value
 1923   | effect      | cooling
 1923   | consumption | efficient
 1923   | type        | split
 1235   | effect      | cooling
 1235   | volume      | 20 liters
 8273   | effect      | heating
 8273   | consumption | efficient
 8273   | heatMethod  | coil

Now, if I have to select items whose 'effect' is 'cooling', I can do that using following query (which will give me 'AC' and 'Fridge' in result).

SELECT itemName FROM items i, item_properties p 
WHERE i.itemId=p.itemId 
AND ( = 'effect' AND p.value ='cooling');

I would like to know how write queries to select items that match multiple properties like

  • select all items whose 'effect' is 'cooling' AND 'consumption' is 'efficient' (which would match item 'AC').
  • select all items whose 'type' is 'split' OR 'heatMethod' is 'coil' OR 'consumption' is 'effecient' (which would match items 'AC' and 'Heater').

Kindly Help... Thanks in advance!!


  • Here is an example query:

      items i,
      item_properties effect
      ON i.itemId = effect.itemId AND = 'effect'
      item_properties consumption
      ON i.itemId = consumption.itemId AND = 'consumption'
    WHERE effect.value = 'cooling' AND consumption.value = 'efficient';

    I'll leave the oR query as something you can try yourself. It's simply adding more tables and using OR instead of AND in the WHERE.