I need to create two files from one file. The condition is: If a number of column in rows of input is equal to 11, the rows will copy to output1. If a number of column in a rows of input is equal to 10, the rows will copy to output2.
example input with less column:
Id_animal Id_SNP Farm Allele
ID01 rs01 A 1
ID02 rs01 1
ID03 rs01 B 2
ID04 rs01 0
In this case, the row 1 and row 3 will go to output1 and row 2 and 3 will go to output2.
ID01 rs01 A 1
ID03 rs01 B 2
ID02 rs01 1
ID04 rs01 0
But in my case, the number of a row is 45927948 and the number max of a column is 11 and min 10.
Using awk you can do it like this awk -f script.awk input
and script.awk is:
NR == 1 { next }
NF == 4 { print > "output1" }
NF == 3 { print > "output2" }
(the number of fields in the line).