I am producing an automatic report using Sweave in R. I would like:
Here is my code:
\usepackage[top=2.5cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm,bottom=2.5cm]{geometry}
\def\hrulefill#1{\leavevmode\leaders\hrule\@height#1\hfill \kern\z@}
<<xtable1, results=tex,echo=FALSE>>=
> data
l w a m
x NA 515.0 0.22 127.83
y NA 75.0 0.45 33.75
z NA 85.0 0.45 38.25
xtab <- xtable(data)
hline <- c(-1,0,nrow(xtab)-1,nrow(xtab))
align(xtab) <- "lcccc"
From the documentation, use add.to.row
in conjunction with hline.after=NULL
to control what you add to the lines from the hline
xtab <- xtable(data)
hline <- c(-1,0,nrow(xtab)-1,nrow(xtab))
htype <- c("\\toprule ", "\\midrule ", "\\toprule ","\\bottomrule ")
print(xtab,add.to.row = list(pos = as.list(hline),
command = htype),
hline.after = NULL)
data <- structure(list(l = c(NA, NA, NA), w = c(515, 75, 85), a = c(0.22,
0.45, 0.45), m = c(127.83, 33.75, 38.25)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("x", "y", "z"))