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grid view show header if no data

i want to show a grid view' header even if the data source that bound to the grid is empty? Is there any way to achieve the same without adding a BLANK row?


  • The easiest way would be to create you own GridView inheriting from the GridView class. Then override the CreateChildControls method to create a new empty table.

    Something like this should work:

    protected GridViewRow _footerRow2;
    protected GridViewRow _headerRow2;
    protected override int CreateChildControls(System.Collections.IEnumerable dataSource, bool dataBinding)
        // Call base method and get number of rows
        int numRows = base.CreateChildControls(dataSource, dataBinding);
        if (numRows == 0)
            //no data rows created, create empty table
            //create table
            Table table = new Table();
            table.ID = this.ID;
            //convert the exisiting columns into an array and initialize
            DataControlField[] fields = new DataControlField[this.Columns.Count];
            this.Columns.CopyTo(fields, 0);
            if (this.ShowHeader)
                //create a new header row
                _headerRow2 = base.CreateRow(-1, -1, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal);
                this.InitializeRow(_headerRow2, fields);
                _headerRow2.EnableTheming = true;
            if (this.ShowFooter)
                //create footer row
                _footerRow2 = base.CreateRow(-1, -1, DataControlRowType.Footer, DataControlRowState.Normal);
                this.InitializeRow(_footerRow2, fields);
                _footerRow2.EnableTheming = true;
        return numRows;

    Basically, you check if the GridView has any rows and if it doesn't then you create the header row and footer row (if they are enabled).


    Also, if you wanted to still show your EmptyDataText, you could add these lines inbetween the creating of the header and footer.

    GridViewRow emptyRow;
    if (this.EmptyDataTemplate != null)
         emptyRow = this.Controls[0].Controls[0] as GridViewRow;