Search code examples

How can I get the id of the workflow instance in workflow form?

I have the FreeMarker template, which is the custom field for display some data about the business process.

Let's say, userdetails.ftl:

<@link href="${url.context}/res/components/workflow/workflow-form.css" group="workflow"/>
<#include "/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/common/" />

<div class="form-field">
   <div id="...">
      <table id="..." class="yui-dt">
            <th class="yui-dt-liner">Field_1</th>
            <th class="yui-dt-liner">Field_2</th>
            <th class="yui-dt-liner">Field_3</th>
            <th class="yui-dt-liner">Field_4</th>
            <th class="yui-dt-liner">Field_N</th>


// Here I want to call REST back-end and parse the JSON response


Relevant part of the share-config-custom.xml:

<config evaluator="task-type" condition="mswf:reviewTask">
           <show id="mswf:userDetails" />
           <set id="userDetails" appearance="title" label="User Details" />
            <field id="mswf:userDetails" set="userDetails" label="User Details">
                <control template="/org/alfresco/components/form/controls/workflow/userdetails.ftl" />
           <field id="transitions" set="response" />

This template contains a table in which I would like to display the list of users who will participate in the business process (who was assigned).

Inside tags <script></script> I want to invoke an embedded Alfresco WebScript (or my own - it's not important in this case) which returns me all the necessary information about the business process:


,where 26205 == id of the process instance.

I get the following:

               "value":"message... "
               "value":"Not Yet Started"

In addition to everything else I'm interested in this part:


Here is the list of the users who will participate in the business process (in this specific instance).

To get all this information, I need to know the ID of the process instance (26205 in this case).

Can I determine this identifier in my userdetails.ftl template?


  • The workflow ID is indeed one of the variables available in your workflow, I suggest you add it to your form using the hidden form-control hidden.ftl and then, from you JS snippet, use dom to access that hidden input by ID/name and use it in your logic as you see fit !