i have a folder with subfolders and multiple files.
and the batchfile is inside the rootdir
i need to get the last modification date (yyyymmdd) for the most recent file throughout all folders. after getting the date, i need to add the date to the mainfolders name like: "Mainfolder (yyyymmdd)"
after that i need the same for the next mainfolder. basically i would end up with something like this:
Root\Mainfolder1 (yyyymmdd)
Root\Mainfolder2 (yyyymmdd)
Root\Mainfolder3 (yyyymmdd)
additional info: my system has another date format: dd.mm.yyyy (but i need the above format)
i want this to be a batchfile which i can place inside the root dir and then execute it to do what i have explained above. what code do i have so far? well near to nothing at all. nothing usable. only thing i found was how to list all modification dates (but they are not sorted or anything) with this:
dir /s /O:D /T:W /A:-D
and i cant find anything through the search function any suggestions are highly welcomed, thanks :)
Give this a try. I put some comments in the code to help you understand what is going on. Remove the ECHO
in front of the RENAME
command when you are satisfied with the output.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM List the directories first
FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('dir /ad /b') DO (
rem Change to the directory
pushd "%%G"
set "dt="
set "newest="
REM Get the date and time from the newest file from the folder.
FOR /F "delims=" %%H IN ('dir /S /a-d /b 2^>nul') DO (
REM by default the ~t modifier uses modified date and time
SET "dt=%%~tH"
REM Now split up the date into a usable format.
REM Change the delims option to the separator your date format uses.
REM also need a space because the time follows the date
FOR /F "tokens=1-3 delims=/. " %%I IN ("!dt!") DO (
set "dt=%%K%%J%%I"
IF NOT DEFINED newest IF defined dt set "newest=!dt!"
IF DEFINED newest IF defined dt IF !dt! GTR !newest! set "newest=!dt!"
IF DEFINED newest echo rename "%%~G" "%%G(!newest!)"