I am trying to filter out points that are too close or below a loess curve:
Obviously not the desired outcome.
If however I use the scatter.smooth function I get a correct looking curve:
How can I correctly fit the loess curve through my data?
Mainly, we should inspect what the predict
function returns:
[1] 0.8548271 0.8797704 0.8584954 0.8031563 0.9012096 0.8955874
It's a vector, so when we pass it to lines
, R
says, "okay, you didn't specify an x value, so I'll just use the index for the x values" (try plot(2:10)
to see what I mean).
So, what we need to do is specify a 2 column matrix to pass to lines
, instead:
cbind(sort(means), predict(afit, newdata = sort(means)))
should do the trick. Your function can be written as:
FilterByVariance<-function(dat, threshold = 0.90, span = 0.75){
means <- apply(dat,1,mean)
sds <- apply(dat,1,sd)
cv <- sqrt(sds/means)
afit<-loess(cv~means, span = span)
# good<-which(resids >= quantile(resids, probs = threshold))
# points above the curve will have a residual > 0
good <- which(resids > 0)
lines(cbind(sort(means), predict(afit, newdata = sort(means))),