I want to be able to find out if all of patterns in a given set exist in a string or not. The patterns could be a regex in itself For example, if the input string is:
"Hello World"
Pattern set ("Hel.o Wo*","\*llo","l*d")
returns true
Pattern set ("Wor","el.","l*ed")
returns false
I know I can iterate through the pattern set and use re.search() but I was looking for one pattern search using re
which should do the job. Something like:
You need to use positive lookaheads anchored at the start:
if re.search(r"^(?=.*pattern1)(?=.*pattern2)(?=.*patternN)", inputString):
The positive lookaheads will actually require the presence of all patterns regardless of their positions in the string.
The pattern matches:
- start of the string(?=.*pattern1)
- pattern1 after any 0+ chars other than line break chars *(if re.DOTALL
is not used)(?=.*pattern2)
- same with pattern2(?=.*patternN)
- same with pattern3Note the lookahead checks all are executed at the start of the string since lookaheads are zero-width assertions.