I want to deploy a package that has an apex class, test class and a process builder that calls the apex class. On the sandbox where I developed the class, the code coverage is 100%. When I tried to deploy it to another sandbox/production, it failed because it showed the code coverage to be 65%.
I believe the issue is because the process builder is inactive when it is deployed and the entire code is not covered as a result. How should I proceed with this?
I have already tried to do the following :
My code takes the customer email and converts it to a hash using CryptoUtil.generateHashDigest method and then saves it in the hashed email field.
Public static void newRecord(List<Account> listAccounts) {
for(Account a : listAccounts) {
Account updacc=[select id from account where id = :a.id];
String message = String.valueof(a.get('Customer_Email__pc'));
String hashDigest = CryptoUtil.generateHashDigest(message);
updacc.Hashed_email__pc = HashDigest;
update updacc;
I had to create a clone of the account record inserted/updated in order to use process builder. Using this method, the changes are only made in the clone. If process builder is not used, the test class gets a Null value instead of the actual hash value in the Hashed_email__pc field which leads to the test failing. When process builder is used, the changes made in the clone are reflected in the actual record, and the test passes. Even if I do not have a test method calling this section of code, the test passes as the process builder covers it.
I cannot figure out a way of creating a test class where the correct values are returned when the process builder is deactivated. I have to use DML to insert the record, so that it can be cloned.
How should I test the apex class in this case?
I eyedballed this, but this should get you going
public static void newRecord(List<Account> listAccounts)
List<Account> accountsToUpdate = new List<Account>();
for(Account a : listAccounts)
String message;
String hashDigest;
Account account = new Account();
if(a.Customer_Email__pc != null)
message = String.valueof(a.get('Customer_Email__pc'));
hashDigest = CryptoUtil.generateHashDigest(message);
account.Hashed_email__pc = HashDigest;
account.ID = a.ID;
update accountsToUpdate;
private class Test_Account
// -------- Variables --------
private static List<Account> testAccount;
// -------- Shared Methods --------
// Initialization of test data example
private static void init(Integer testType)
testAccount = new List<Account>();
if(testType == 1)
for(Integer i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Account a = new Account();
//build your accounts..
insert testAccount;
// -------- Test Methods --------
private static testMethod void testAccountHash()
//Because this is an actual public method, I would just test the method
List<Account> accountResult = [SELECT .... FROM Account];