I use Perl on windows(Active Perl). I have a perl program to glob the files in current folder, and concatenate them all using dos copy command called from within using system()...
When i execute, this gives a dos error saying "The system cannot find the file specified." It's related to the spaces in the filenames I have.
This is the perl code :-
@files = glob "*.mp3";
$outfile = 'final.mp3';
$firsttime = 1;
foreach (@files)
if($firsttime == 1)
@args = ('copy' ,"/b ","$_","+","$outfile", "$outfile");
system (@args);
#system("copy /b '$_'+$outfile $outfile");
$firsttime = 0;
@args = ('copy' ,"/b ","$outfile","+","$_", "$outfile");
system (@args);
#system("copy /b $outfile+'$_' $outfile");
glob returns a array of filenames in my current folder, Those file names have spaces in between them, so the array elements have spaces in between. When i use the system(...) to execute my copy command on those array elements using "$_" as shown above, it gives error as above.
I tried couple of ways in which I could call the system(...) but without any success.
I would like to know,
1] How can i get this working on files which have spaces in between them using the code above. How to 'escape' the white space in file names.
2] Any alternative solution in Perl to achieve the same thing. (Simple ones welcome..)
Your code doesn't add any quotes around the filenames.