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Is this Factory Method the good one for what I'm trying to do?

Here is what I am trying to achieve:

  • this a text file parser
  • depending on the first chars I create the correct parser object
  • I wish to do so using the right factory pattern
  • could you tell me if my code below fits correctly the factory pattern ?
  • Thank you ! :-)

class Parser
    protected $src;
    public function __construct($src)
        $this->src = $src;

class Format1Parser extends Parser
    public function Parse()
        // Parsing format 1
        // ...

class Format2Parser extends Parser
    public function Parse()
        // Parsing format 2
        // ...

class ParserFactory
    public static function GetParser($src)
        $header = substr($src,0,7);
        if ( $header == "format1" )
            return( new Format1Parser($src) );
        if ( $header == "format2" )
            return( new Format2Parser($src) );

$parser = ParserFactory::GetParser( file_get_contents("file.txt") );


  • First, I would use a suffix (Parser_Format1) instead of a prefix (Format1Parser), because IMHO it's clearer.

    As for the factory method itself, you could use dynamic instantiation:

    class ParserFactory {
       static public function getParser($src) {
          // may want to change the following line, because it assumes your parser
          // type is always 7 characters long.
          $type = substr($src, 0, 7); 
          $pattern = 'Parser_%type';
          $className = str_replace('%type', $type, $pattern);
          if (!class_exists($className)) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid parser $type");
          return new $className;

    Another thing, your Parser class should be abstract and define an abstract function Parse():

    abstract class Parser {
        protected $src;
        public function __construct($src)
            $this->src = $src;
        abstract public function Parse();

    Defining abstract methods within a base abstract class ensure that most errors (i.e.: a missing Parse method) are caught when the class is parsed (at the beginning of the program), as opposed as to when it's called (in the middle of runtime).