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Expand one row at a Time in RadGridView - C# Telerik

I have a rad grid view with hierarchical template. User can expand each row, and in normal mode User can expand several rows. I need to prevent such behavior and let user to only expand one row at a time.

I searched in telerik forums and Google but did not find any helpful code working on winforms radgridview.


  • Use radGridView's ChildViewExpanded event and a variable to store the last expanded row index

     int lastExpandedRow = -1;
     private void radGridView_ChildViewExpanded(object sender, ChildViewExpandedEventArgs e)
       int parentRowIndex = e.ParentRow.Index;
       if (lastExpandedRow != -1 && lastExpandedRow != parentRowIndex )
          radGridView.Rows[lastExpandedRow].IsExpanded = false;
       lastExpandedRow = parentRowIndex ;