Is there any equivalent to MySQL's SHOW CREATE TABLE <tablename>
in informix? I would like to run it in the SQL Manager on the Server Studio and would also like to obtain information about a tables columns and their types. Is this possible? I've found the systables, syscolumns and information schema, but wasn't lucky with the results I got with the output of select * from...
I don't know such SQL command. From command line you can use dbschema
C:\Informix>dbschema -t abc -d test
DBSCHEMA Schema Utility INFORMIX-SQL Version 11.50.TC6DE
{ TABLE "informix".abc row size = 4 number of columns = 1 index size = 0 }
create table "informix".abc
xxx integer
revoke all on "informix".abc from "public" as "informix";
If you want to read systables, then look at my script that dumps info about tables, columns, indexes etc: . In its source you will find systables queries you can use.