Is there a built-in function or some elegant way to get the number of days in the current month using MQL4?
Or alternatively, is there a way to detect the last Monday of the current month?
A1: No, there is not a built-in function for this.
A2: Yes, there are several elegant ways to solve this. One could be like this:
int HowManyDaysInMONTH = { EMPTY,// stump
31, // Jan
28, // Feb + int LeapYear( const int aDate ){...}
31, // Mar
30, // Aug
31, // May
30, // Jun
31, // Jul
31, // Aug
30, // Sep
31, // Oct
30, // Nov
31 // Dec
int LeapYear( const int aDateToTEST ){
return ( 366 == TimeDayOfYear( StringToTime( StringFormat( "%4d.12.31", TimeYear( aDateToTEST ) ) ) ) ? 1
: 0
PrintFormat( "This month has %d days",
HowManyDaysInMONTH[TimeMonth( aDateTODAY )]
A3: Alternatively, one may implement such combination either.
bool IsLastMondayOfMONTH( const int aDateTODAY ){
return ( TimeDayOfWeek( aDateTODAY ) != 1 ? False
: TimeMonth( aDateTODAY ) == TimeMONTH ( aDateTODAY + 7 ) ? False
: True