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cannot extract triangulated geometry from IFC using xBIM

I am trying to extract triangulated meshes of all geometries in an IFC file using this code I have already loaded the model with

var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(model);

//var geometries = context.ShapeGeometries();
//XbimShapeTriangulation mesh = null;
var geometries = context.ShapeInstances();

foreach (var g in geometries)
    //var ms = new MemoryStream(((IXbimShapeGeometryData)g).ShapeData);
    //var br = new BinaryReader(ms);
    //mesh = br.ReadShapeTriangulation();
    ////mesh = mesh.Transform(((XbimShapeInstance)g).Transformation);

    //Console.WriteLine(g.Format + " | " + g.ShapeLabel);
    //Console.WriteLine(mesh.Faces.Count() + " | " + mesh.Vertices.Count());

    var tri = context.ShapeGeometryMeshOf(g);
    Console.WriteLine(tri.TriangleIndexCount + " | " + tri.ToString());


If I'm using the commented part of the above code, the mesh returns without being triangulated. The format is PolyHedronBinary.

If I use the context.ShapeGeometryMeshOf() method, there is an exception thrown : invalid geometry type .


Please help me with triangulating the geometries of the model.

I have also read about the method "read" in XbimWindowsUI/Xbim.Presentation/MeshGeometry3DExtensions.cs, but I am not able to figure out what I have to pass as the "m3d" parameter ?

/// <summary>
/// Reads a triangulated model from an array of bytes and adds the mesh 
/// to the current state
///  </summary>
/// <param name="m3D"></param>
/// <param name="mesh">byte array of XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary  Data</param>
/// <param name="transform">Transforms the mesh to the new position if not null</param>
public static void Read(
    this MeshGeometry3D m3D, 
    byte[] mesh, 
    XbimMatrix3D? transform = null)

It will be great if anybody could provide/ point me to example usage of this method.

I need to rebuild the IFC model in Unity and hence I need the triangulated mesh data.

Also suggest if there is anyway to achieve this more efficiently and/or in a simpler way!


  • I used some code from the xBIM GIT repository for this:

            IfcStore model = IfcStore.Open(ifcFileName);
            if (model.GeometryStore.IsEmpty)
                var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(model);
            foreach (var ifcElement in model.Instances.OfType<IfcElement>())
                XbimModelPositioningCollection modelPositions = new XbimModelPositioningCollection();
                short userDefinedId = 0;
                model.UserDefinedId = userDefinedId;
                if (model.IsFederation)
                    foreach (var refModel in model.ReferencedModels)
                        refModel.Model.UserDefinedId = ++userDefinedId;
                        var v = refModel.Model as IfcStore;
                        if (v != null)
                var modelBounds = modelPositions.GetEnvelopeInMeters();
                var p = modelBounds.Centroid();
                var modelTranslation = new XbimVector3D(-p.X, -p.Y, -p.Z);
                var oneMeter = model.ModelFactors.OneMetre;
                var translation = XbimMatrix3D.CreateTranslation(modelTranslation * oneMeter);
                var scaling = XbimMatrix3D.CreateScale(1 / oneMeter);
                var transform = translation * scaling;
                var mat = GetStyleFromXbimModel(ifcElement);
                var m = GetGeometry(ifcElement, transform, mat);
                var myRetTuple = WriteTriangles(m);

    the WriteTriangle-Function:

        private Tuple<Point3D> WriteTriangles(IXbimMeshGeometry3D wpfMeshGeometry3D)
            var axesMeshBuilder = new MeshBuilder();
            var pos = wpfMeshGeometry3D.Positions.ToArray();
            var nor = wpfMeshGeometry3D.Normals.ToArray();
            var areasum = 0.00;
            for (var i = 0; i < wpfMeshGeometry3D.TriangleIndices.Count; i += 3)
                var p1 = wpfMeshGeometry3D.TriangleIndices[i];
                var p2 = wpfMeshGeometry3D.TriangleIndices[i + 1];
                var p3 = wpfMeshGeometry3D.TriangleIndices[i + 2];
                if (nor[p1] == nor[p2] && nor[p1] == nor[p3]) // same normals
                    var cnt = FindCentroid(new[] { pos[p1], pos[p2], pos[p3] });
                    CreateNormal(cnt, nor[p1], axesMeshBuilder);
                    CreateNormal(pos[p1], nor[p1], axesMeshBuilder);
                    CreateNormal(pos[p2], nor[p2], axesMeshBuilder);
                    CreateNormal(pos[p3], nor[p3], axesMeshBuilder);
                var point1 = new Point3D(pos[p1].X, pos[p1].Y, pos[p1].Z);
                var point2 = new Point3D(pos[p2].X, pos[p2].Y, pos[p2].Z);
                var point3 = new Point3D(pos[p3].X, pos[p3].Y, pos[p3].Z);
            return Tuple.Create(point1, point2, point3);

    and some additional methods from xBIM GeometryHandler:

        private static XbimPoint3D FindCentroid(XbimPoint3D[] p)
            double x = 0;
            double y = 0;
            double z = 0;
            var n = 0;
            foreach (var item in p)
                x += item.X;
                y += item.Y;
                z += item.Z;
            if (n <= 0)
                return new XbimPoint3D(x, y, z);
            x /= n;
            y /= n;
            z /= n;
            return new XbimPoint3D(x, y, z);
        private static void CreateNormal(XbimPoint3D pnt, XbimVector3D vector3D, MeshBuilder axesMeshBuilder)
            var cnt = new Point3D() { X = pnt.X, Y = pnt.Y, Z = pnt.Z };
            var path = new List<Point3D> { cnt };
            const double nrmRatio = .2;
                new Point3D(
                    cnt.X + vector3D.X * nrmRatio,
                    cnt.Y + vector3D.Y * nrmRatio,
                    cnt.Z + vector3D.Z * nrmRatio
            const double lineThickness = 0.001;
            axesMeshBuilder.AddTube(path, lineThickness, 9, false);
        private static WpfMeshGeometry3D GetGeometry(IPersistEntity selection, XbimMatrix3D modelTransform, Material mat)
            var tgt = new WpfMeshGeometry3D(mat, mat);
            using (var geomstore = selection.Model.GeometryStore)
                using (var geomReader = geomstore.BeginRead())
                    foreach (var shapeInstance in geomReader.ShapeInstancesOfEntity(selection).Where(x => x.RepresentationType == XbimGeometryRepresentationType.OpeningsAndAdditionsIncluded))
                        IXbimShapeGeometryData shapegeom = geomReader.ShapeGeometry(shapeInstance.ShapeGeometryLabel);
                        if (shapegeom.Format != (byte)XbimGeometryType.PolyhedronBinary)
                        var transform = shapeInstance.Transformation * modelTransform;
            return tgt;
        private static DiffuseMaterial GetStyleFromXbimModel(IIfcProduct item, double opacity = 1)
            var context = new Xbim3DModelContext(item.Model);
            var productShape = context.ShapeInstancesOf(item)
                .Where(s => s.RepresentationType != XbimGeometryRepresentationType.OpeningsAndAdditionsExcluded)
            var wpfMaterial = GetWpfMaterial(item.Model, productShape.Count > 0 ? productShape[0].StyleLabel : 0);
            var newmaterial = wpfMaterial.Clone();
            ((DiffuseMaterial)newmaterial).Brush.Opacity = opacity;
            return newmaterial as DiffuseMaterial;
        private static Material GetWpfMaterial(IModel model, int styleId)
            var sStyle = model.Instances[styleId] as IIfcSurfaceStyle;
            var wpfMaterial = new WpfMaterial();
            if (sStyle != null)
                var texture = XbimTexture.Create(sStyle);
                texture.DefinedObjectId = styleId;
                return wpfMaterial;
            var defautMaterial = ModelDataProvider.DefaultMaterials;
            Material material;
            if (defautMaterial.TryGetValue(model.GetType().Name, out material))
                return material;
            var color = new XbimColour("red", 1, 1, 1);
            return wpfMaterial;