My XML file structure
<structure name="preference">
<structure name="cam">
<property name="number" value="8"/>
<property name="name" value="eddi"/>
With XMLstarlet tool, I'm trying to get the value "8" so I first tried this following command:
xmlstarlet -t -v '/properties/structure[@name="preference"]/structure[@name="cam"][property/@name="number"]/@value' file.xml
Then I get these errors:
parser error : attributes construct error
xsl:value-of select="/properties/structure[@name="preference"]parser error : Couldn't find end of Start Tag value-of line 23
xsl:value-of select="/properties/structure[@name="preference"]
these errors are pointing to "preference".
I saw some topics dealing with this kind of action but their solution doesn't match with my case.
Do you have any idea on how to get this value?
For the updated (by @har07) and valid xml, e.g.:
<structure name="preference">
<structure name="cam">
<property name="number" value="8"/>
<property name="name" value="eddi"/>
(Note the self closing tags />
you could use:
xmlstarlet sel -T -t -m '//property[@name="number"]/@value' -v . -n file.xml
and prints
xmlstarlet --version
compiled against libxml2 2.9.4, linked with 20904
compiled against libxslt 1.1.29, linked with 10129