I am pulling a variable from the user when they select one of the radio buttons I provide them. Each radio button variable is set as an actual server I can normally connect to using MsSql.
My below code has a !!!!!!!!!!!!! MY EXAMPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
listed next to the spot I am trying to figure out.
I get a connection error when I use pypyodbc.connect ('Server=serverName;')
, but I know it works if I get rid of the radio button variable and enter the actual server name.
Any ideas?
#! /usr/bin/python
import os
import pypyodbc
import tkinter
from tkinter import ttk
class Adder(ttk.Frame):
"""The adders gui and functions."""
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.root = parent
def on_quit(self):
"""Exits program."""
def calculate(self):
serverName = str(self.selectedTown.get()) #! !!!!!!!!!!!!! MY EXAMPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
word1 = str(self.workstation1_entry.get())
# num2 = int(self.localid2_entry.get()) # This will be entered in a later statement where user can enter LocationID
# if str(self.selectedTown.get()) in str(self.selectedTown.get()):
connection = pypyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};' #! !!!!!!!!!!!!! MY EXAMPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cursor = connection.cursor()
SQLCommand = ("SELECT Name, Location_ID "
"FROM dbo.PB_Location "
"WHERE Name = ?")
Values = [word1]
results = cursor.fetchone()
if results:
self.answer_label['text'] = str(results[1]) # displays answer
self.answer_label['text'] = "Invalid"
def init_gui(self):
"""Builds GUI."""
self.root.title('ID Lookup')
self.root.option_add('*tearOff', 'FALSE')
self.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='nsew')
self.menubar = tkinter.Menu(self.root)
self.menu_file = tkinter.Menu(self.menubar)
self.menu_file.add_command(label='Exit', command=self.on_quit)
self.menu_edit = tkinter.Menu(self.menubar)
self.menubar.add_cascade(menu=self.menu_file, label='File')
self.menubar.add_cascade(menu=self.menu_edit, label='Edit')
self.workstation1_entry = ttk.Entry(self, width=5)
self.workstation1_entry.grid(column=1, row = 2)
self.localid2_entry = ttk.Entry(self, width=5)
self.localid2_entry.grid(column=3, row=2)
self.calc_button = ttk.Button(self, text='Submit',
self.calc_button.grid(column=0, row=3, columnspan=4)
self.answer_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(self, text='Answer',
self.answer_frame.grid(column=0, row=4, columnspan=4, sticky='nesw')
self.answer_label = ttk.Label(self.answer_frame, text='')
self.answer_label.grid(column=0, row=0)
self.selectedTown = tkinter.StringVar()
self.selectedTown.set('b1') # make it where the top radio button is selected by default
self.b1 = ttk.Radiobutton(self, text='Texas', value='1srvodbx', variable=self.selectedTown).grid(sticky='W', column=0,row=6, columnspan=1) # sticky W to align everything to left
self.b2 = ttk.Radiobutton(self, text='Oklahoma', value='2srvodbx', variable=self.selectedTown).grid(sticky='W', column=0,row=7, columnspan=1)
self.b3 = ttk.Radiobutton(self, text='Idaho', value='3srvodbx', variable=self.selectedTown).grid(sticky='W', column=0,row=8, columnspan=1)
# Labels that remain constant throughout execution.
ttk.Label(self, text='Location ID Finder').grid(column=0, row=0,
ttk.Label(self, text='Name').grid(column=0, row=2,
ttk.Label(self, text='Location ID').grid(column=2, row=2,
ttk.Separator(self, orient='horizontal').grid(column=0,
row=1, columnspan=4, sticky='ew')
for child in self.winfo_children():
child.grid_configure(padx=5, pady=5)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tkinter.Tk()
IIUC the problem is you cannot just plug in a variable name like that. You'll have to do:
connstr = '''Driver={{SQL Server}};Server={};Database=mydatabase;Trusted_Connection=yes;'''.format(serverName)
connection = pypyodbc.connect(connstr)