I can't get the Internet <-> CloudFront <-> S3 Bucket working, using an AWS certificate. This is what I did:
.After the distribution is created, my browsers all tell me this:
I'm not sure if I've missed a step in the process of setting this up, I've tried fiddling with various parameters but nothing lets me through.
I read this blog post, saying that I might have forgotten adding alternate CNAMEs. This confuses me a bit, should I? In Route 53 I configured my full domain using something.mydomain.example
and the certificate is a wildcard one.
Other blog posts and question answers indicates I should not, just use the A record and the CloudFront distribution URL/endpoint, as I have done.
So, in my update, I mentioned adding CNAMEs from a blog post. This was it, the second I did that, it started working.
To clarify, I did this to solve my problem:
that you have configured to this distribution's endpoint/URL in Route53.This solved it instantly for me, but remember that CloudFront configuration changes sometimes can take some time to be pushed out.