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R Coloring Edges in diagonalNetwork()

I am exploring the features of networkD3, diagonalNetwork function.

Below is the toy example

URL <- paste0(

Flare <- jsonlite::fromJSON(URL, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)

Flare$children = Flare$children[1:3]

diagonalNetwork(List = Flare, fontSize = 10, opacity = 0.9)

I am wondering if there is any option to color just the edges under the node cluster. This is not important but just trying to aim for perfection.

Thanks in advance.


  • Not directly, but if you know the indices of the links you want to color, you can inject some JavaScript into the linkColour argument like this...

    URL <- paste0(
    Flare <- jsonlite::fromJSON(URL, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)
    Flare$children = Flare$children[1:3]
    linkColourJS <- JS(paste0('function(d, i) { return i > 24 && i < 29 ? "red" : "#ccc"; }'))
    diagonalNetwork(List = Flare, fontSize = 10, opacity = 0.9, linkColour = linkColourJS)