I need to start a program from Windows Service. That program is a user UI application. Moreover that application should be started under specific user account.
The problem is that a Window Services run in session #0, but a logged in user sessions are 1,2 etc.
So the question is: how to start a process from a window service in such a way that it run in currently logged in user's session?
I'd emphasis on that the question is not about how to start a process under specific account (it's obvious - Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo("..") { UserName=..,Password=..})). Even if I install my windows to run under current user account the service will run in session #0 anyway. Setting "Allow service to interact with desktop" doesn't help.
My windows service is .net-based.
UPDATE: first of all, .NET has nothing to do here, it's actually pure Win32 thing. Here's what I'm doing. The following code is in my windows service (C# using win32 function via P/Inkove, I skipped import signatures, they're all here - http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/advapi32/CreateProcessWithLogonW.html):
var startupInfo = new StartupInfo()
lpDesktop = "WinSta0\\Default",
cb = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(StartupInfo)),
var processInfo = new ProcessInformation();
string command = @"c:\windows\Notepad.exe";
string user = "Administrator";
string password = "password";
string currentDirectory = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
bool bRes = CreateProcessWithLogonW(user, null, password, 0,
command, command, 0,
currentDirectory, ref startupInfo, out processInfo);
if (!bRes)
throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
catch (Exception ex)
WaitForSingleObject(processInfo.hProcess, Convert.ToUInt32(0xFFFFFFF));
UInt32 exitCode = Convert.ToUInt32(123456);
GetExitCodeProcess(processInfo.hProcess, ref exitCode);
writeToEventLog("Notepad has been started by WatchdogService. Exitcode: " + exitCode);
The code goes to the line "Notepad has been started by WatchdogService. Exitcode: " + exitCode. Exitcode is 3221225794. And there's no any new notepad started. Where am I wrong?
A blog on MSDN describes a solution
It's a terrific helpful post about starting a new process in interactive session from windows service on Vista/7.
For non-LocalSystem services, the basic idea is:
Enumerate the process to get the handle of the Explorer.
should give you the access token.
Note : The account under which your service is running must have appropriate privileges to call this API and get process token.
Once you have the token, call CreateProcessAsUser
with this token. This token already has the right session Id.