I am having trouble testing a unity controller factory. I am mcoking out the unity container and asserting that a method was called on it. I am getting invalid cast expection though but cannot really see what is wrong with my code.
Here is the class under test:
public class UnityControllerFactory : IControllerFactory
private readonly IUnityContainer _container;
public UnityControllerFactory(IUnityContainer container)
if (container == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("container");
_container = container;
public IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
return _container.Resolve<IController>(controllerName);
public void ReleaseController(IController controller)
and here is the test:
public void CreateControllerCallsResolveOnContainerWithCorrectArgument()
const string controllerName = "WhateverController";
var containerMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IUnityContainer>();
var controllerFactory = new UnityControllerFactory(containerMock);
controllerFactory.CreateController(null, controllerName);
containerMock.AssertWasCalled(x => x.Resolve<IController>(controllerName));
and here is the error message:
System.InvalidCastException : Unable to cast object of type 'ObjectProxy42336d85f7bb400f9590892348d1d597' to type 'System.Web.Mvc.IController'
The generic Resolve<T>(string)
method is an extension method and cannot be mocked. You have two choices here:
Resolve(Type, string)
method orIUnityContainer
with your own interface so that the generic methods you want to use are interface methods, not extension methods.