There is alert.php included in layout file above $content. This is as below :
<?php Pjax::begin(['id'=> 'new-alert','enablePushState' => false]); ?>
<?= \odaialali\yii2toastr\ToastrFlash::widget([
'options' => [
'positionClass' => 'toast-bottom-full-width',
//'progressBar' => true,
'timeOut' => 6000,
'extendedTimeOut' => 2000
<?php Pjax::end(); ?>
And to get flash messages in ajax , there are calls to below container
This results in showing of alert messages but also sends an Ajax request to URL whichever page is open. Can we trigger request to "/site/toast" on ajax calls which can renderAjax the above widget inplace of making ajax request on current url ?
Since there are no html "a" tag well as neither any "form" tag here inside widget generated html, Is this correct use of pjax ?
Pjax for form
Also if we wrap an Active Form inside Pjax, how can we make sure that none of A tags or nested Form trigger a Pjax request except the container form ?
I have removed call for pjax from PHP and made alert as below -
<div id="new-alert">
<?= \odaialali\yii2toastr\ToastrFlash::widget([
'options' => [
'positionClass' => 'toast-bottom-full-width',
//'progressBar' => true,
'timeOut' => 6000,
'extendedTimeOut' => 2000
]); ?>
Instead I am making pjax call from javascript as below -
$.pjax({url: encodeURI(baseUri + "site/toast"), container: '#new-alert', push: false})
public function actionToast()
return $this->renderAjax('//common/alert');
return $this->redirect(Yii::$app->request->referrer);
$.pjax.reload was previously retrieving additional toasts if there were some for current url as well. Above solution only gets toasts related to ajax.