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Large Test Suite Using `fit` and Hit Jasmine Timeout

I have a pretty large test suite, over 250 tests, with more to add. I am running into an issue with fit when I use fit it gets to the end of the test, marks it passed, and then "runs through" skipping the rest of the tests and takes a very long time to do so. This is causing an exception in jasmine-cover and the browser never closes and I don't get any test results.

I did try using fdescribe in addition to fit and it still takes a long time to "run through and skip" the other tests.

So a couple of questions:

  1. What is going on in the background while it is "skipping tests" that is taking so long?

  2. What can I do to get test results again while using fit with this test suite?


  • I solved this by adding the following to my beforeEach()

    jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 999999

    Still not sure what the heck is going on in the background that takes so much time.