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Is it possible to turn an array to a Result<> in Realm?

I use the following query in my app to filter Folders where the categories (array) id equals the one the user selected (categoryId)

func getFoldersForCategory(_ categoryId:Int, sorting:String) -> Results<Folder> {
   let realm = try! Realm()
   let realmObjects = realm.objects(Folder.self).sorted(byKeyPath: "producerName", ascending: true).filter("toDate >= %@ AND language == %@", getCurrentLocalDateWithoutTimeStamp(), ApplicationSettingsRealm().getCurrentLanguage())

   return realmObjects.filter({ $0.categories.filter({ $ == categoryId }) != [] })

The above code used to work when I returned an array of [Folder] (hence getFoldersForCategory(_ categoryId:Int, sorting:String) -> [Folder]. I recently wanted to change the return to the results from the Realm query.

Now my code isn't working anymore, because I can't filter this way with Results<Folder>. The error I receive is

Unable to infer closure type in the current context

So I was wondering if there is a way that I can convert the last line of code from an array to a Realm Results<>



  • No, you cannot. However, assuming that categories is a Realm List, you can simply include that filter in the query rather than converting it to an array:

    func getFoldersForCategory(_ categoryId:Int, sorting:String) -> Results<Folder> {
       let realm = try! Realm()
       return realm.objects(Folder.self)
                   .sorted(byKeyPath: "producerName", ascending: true)
                   .filter("toDate >= %@ AND language == %@ AND ANY == %@",