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Execute commands in ZooKeeper Command Line Interface using Python

Am trying Cloudera Manager APIs with the help of Python in AWS. I was trying to execute some commands in the Zookeeper Command Line Interface after executing the script ''. I have tried using the below command using subprocess and am able to login to the zookeeper cli.'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -t -t -i /home/ec2-user/key.pem ec2-user@xx.xx.xx.xx "sudo /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/zookeeper/bin/"', shell=True)

Can anybody help me to execute other commands in the zookeeper cli (say 'ls /') using the same subprocess.

Is there any other methods to achieve the above case in Python ?


  • Not sure about the cloudera API. You can maybe use Python to execute a script. Have you tried Heredoc? You could run it on the terminal or put in in a shell script to execute it automatically.It would be something like this:

    bin/ -server localhost:2181 << END create /zookeeper/Testing "Testdata" quit END

    or even output into a log file

    bin/ -server localhost:2181 >> zkAutomation.log << END create /zookeeper/Testing "Testdata" quit END