I have a tableview and each cell will load Gif file from server. I'm using Kingfisher to load Gif file into cell imageview like this: cell.ivPost?.kf.setImage(with: url) the Gif is loaded successfully, however the tableview is very laggy when scrolling down. I though that the loading, encode & decode gif file should be done asynchronously using Kingfisher Anyone has solution for this?
I'm using xCode 8 and Swift 3
User this method
public func setImage(with resource: Resource?, placeholder: Image? = default, options: KingfisherOptionsInfo? = default, progressBlock: Kingfisher.DownloadProgressBlock? = default, completionHandler: Kingfisher.CompletionHandler? = default) -> Kingfisher.RetrieveImageTask
you can give options KingfisherOptionsInfo, which is an array of KingfisherOptionsInfoItem
/// Decode the image in background thread before using.
case backgroundDecode