In my windows phone app I am doing a scanning process, wherever I am in the app, when the scan button is pressed on my bottom appbar, I navigate to my scan page, known as ScanView.xaml.
Problem: I have overridden onnavigatedTo method of scanView to initiate scanning screen.
When I press back button while I am on the scanning screen It goes back to ScanView.xaml and hence onnavigatedTo method is again called and my scanning screen again appears.
What I want to do is, when I press back button while on scanning screen it should navigate directly back to my mainpage.xaml
P.S : I have tried overriding the backbutton handler, but it is still not working.
Here is my code.
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
//this method is invoked as soon as we are navited to the ScanView
Thanks in advance
Just remove ScanView.xaml from the navigation stack (it is the item at the top of the stack) when navigated to the scanning page.