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Hive query cli works, same via hue fails

I have a weird issue with hue (version 3.10).

I have a very simple hive query:

drop table if exists csv_dump;
create table csv_dump row format delimited fields terminated by ',' lines terminated by '\n' location '/user/oozie/export' as select * from sample;
  • running this query in the hive editor works
  • running this query as an oozie workflow command line works
  • running this query command line with beeline works
  • running this query via an oozie workflow from hive fails

Fail in that case means:

  • drop and create are not run, or at least do not have any effect
  • a prepare action in the workflow will be executed
  • the hive2 step in the workflow still says succeeded
  • a following step will be executed.

Now I did try with different users (oozie and ambari, adapting the location as relevant), with exactly the same success/failure cases.

I cannot find any relevant logs, except maybe from hue:


Beeline command arguments :

Fetching child yarn jobs
tag id : oozie-e686d7aaef4a29c020059e150d36db98
Child yarn jobs are found - 

>>> Invoking Beeline command line now >>>

0: jdbc:hive2://> drop table if exists csv_dump; cr 
eate table csv_dump0 row format delimited fields terminated by ',' lines termina 
ted by '\n' location '/user/ambari/export' as select * from sample;

<<< Invocation of Beeline command completed <<<

 Hadoop Job IDs executed by Beeline: 

<<< Invocation of Main class completed <<<

Oozie Launcher, capturing output data:
#Thu Jul 07 13:12:39 UTC 2016


Oozie Launcher, uploading action data to HDFS sequence file: hdfs://

Oozie Launcher ends

Where I see that beeline is started, but I do not see any mapper allocated as I do command line.

Would anybody have any idea of what could go wrong?

Thanks, Guillaume


  • As explained by @romain in the comments, new lines need to be added in the sql script. Then all is good.